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"What are you doing here?" George said as he stood in front of esbeth, his hand in his pocket where his wand laid, dormant.

"I'm not here to hurt you i promise. I'm done with them. Well, they dont know it yet but I'm here to help." Pansy said, trying to seem open, and not docile.

"And what makes you think we would trust you? With anything?" Esbeth spat from behind george, trying to look over his shoulder.

"I dont have the mark. They cant trace me, never have been able too." Pansy started creeping up the stairs, getting closer but George stepped back, keeping you behind him. "Please believe me."

"You're not a death eater? But you be been working with him for- well i dont know but it doesnt matter. You could be doing anything right now." Esbeth said, desperately trying to get in front of george.

"I will tell you everything. Please just trust me."


Esbeth's tea had grown frigid by the time pansy finished telling them what was happening, in George's darkly lit mahogany office.

"That's why they want you so bad. Im sure you had figured it out, or at least it was in the back of your head, Esbeth you're smart." Pansy leaned back in the shake that was nearest the door.

"Why do they want me so bad? Potter's my brother, but i have nothing to truly do with him. I mean, you all must be desperate for recruits." Esbeth said.

George was pacing at the window as Pansy had asked, making sure no one was walking up from nocturn alley. Esbeth was hunched over in a seat the opposite of George's desk, her brain racing.

"Iya not just harry, are you listening to me? It's your mother, it's the facts that you could tell us about how harry acts, what he's going to do next. And they aren't desperate for recruits. Esbeth, they're desperate to kill Harry." Pansy said, all in one rushed, frantic breath.

Esbeth knew this was the truth.

But hearing that, hearing that they wanted to kill harry, just so bluntly, made her stomach drop, and made her veins blister with anger and pride of her family.

Esbeth raised her head, staring at Pansy, almost as if she was going to pounce at any second.

"Get out.'

"-what? Wha- I'm helping you!" Pansy screeched, completely dumbfounded at why that sentence would upset her.

"Leave. I've heard enough." Esbeth stood and walked over to Pansy who was starting to stand up.

"Esbeth, she's helping us!" George shouted

"I do not care. Pansy leave or i swear-."

"You swear what, carny?"


With that interaction Pansy walked out of the office, then the shop doors , tossing her leather jacket over her shoulder.

"What the hell? She was telling us what was going on!" George started shouted at esbeth, who had sat back down, her face in her hands.

"She told us Why they want me so bad, isn't that enough information?!" She spat.

"God, she could've told us even more! What is wrong with you?" He looked at esbeth, and realized what he had just said.

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