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Warnings: Domestic violence

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Warnings: Domestic violence.

Word Count: 3K

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The time Jared cheated on you should have been the final straw. It should have been the thing that made you finally leave that toxic relationship. But of course, his smooth talking and manipulative ways made you stay. You can't even tell why it worked. Why did you stay? Why wasn't cheating enough to break things up? Why did it have to come this far?

Him cheating on you was one of the most painful things you've ever experienced, but this? This topped everything. It came out of nowhere.

You came home an hour late from work, your boss had some last minute tasks for tomorrow's big meeting. You tried to call Jared, to let him know you were coming home later, but he never picked up, you shot him a quick text explaining why you were going to be late. You decided to just let it go, hoping he would read your text eventually.

The moment you stepped into the house, you knew he was in a bad mood. You were barely inside when the jellying began, yelling turned into furiously accusing you of cheating and other ridiculous things. His hands wrapped around your upper arms, his grip so tight, it made you cry out in pain. You tried to explain, you tried so hard to calm him down, but nothing worked. The first time he connected his fist with your face, goes by in a blur, you never saw it coming. The second one came soon after, you tried to dodge it, which only worked partially. His fist connected with your cheek, knocking you into the side table with your shoulder. At this point you're just begging him to stop, begging him to just leave you alone, anything to make it stop.

Curled up on the ground, clutching your shoulder with your other hand, you waited for his next move, but it never came. The front door slamming shut brings you out of your begging and pleading. Disorientated you look around for Jared, but he isn't there anymore.

You groan out in pain, moving to sit up. Your shoulder throbs, your cheek hurts like a bitch and your lip is bleeding. You need to get out of here, fast. Your bag is still beside you on the ground, that's how far you got into the house before Jared basically attacked you.

There's only one person you want to see, one person you feel safe with. Jamie. You grab your bag and your car keys, walking as fast as you can towards your car. Jamie, that's where you need to go. You're in no state to drive, but you're out of options.

So here you are, sitting in your car on your best friend's driveway. You're too scared to call him, too scared to knock on his door, but you're also too scared to leave. Tears streaming down your face, your busted lip still bleeding. You're pretty sure you have a black eye, but there's no way in hell that you're looking in a mirror right now. Your face hurts, your arms hurt, your heart hurts. Tears turn in uncontrollable sobbing, the strong shield you put up crumbling with every tear that falls.

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