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Warnings: Grab your tissues

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Warnings: Grab your tissues.

Word Count: 1.4K

Requested: Not really.

Between Elias's road trips, brutal training regime and your all-consuming job, there isn't a lot of time for each other. It's exhausting and sometimes you wonder if it's really worth it. You know that those thoughts come from a place of insecurities, but it's hard to ignore the nagging feeling in the back of your head at times. Today is one of those days, your job has been hell and you miss Elias so much. You love your job, it's everything you ever wanted to be, but at days like this you hate it. You hate the fact that you're so far from home, you hate that Elias isn't here with you, you absolutely hate every aspect of it.

Your job allows you to travel to so many amazing countries, making so many memories, but all of those memories are made alone. You love the fact that you've turned your hobby, photographing, into your actual occupation. You've photographed in Brazil, Australia and all the way in Egypt. Every single place means the world to you, you've learned so much along the way. But now, after traveling through Mongolia for 4 months, you have the feeling that this is it. You want to go home, and stay home for once. You love photographing and traveling the world, but you love Petey more. You know he supports you in everything you do, but you want to be there for him too. You want to give him the support he needs, you want to be there for his games, for his losses and for his wins, you want to celebrate with him and but most of all you just really want to be next to him in bed, waking up next to each other..

You've been pondering over your sudden realisation for a few days, you thought that maybe the feeling would go away, but instead it's getting stronger. You're never homesick, but this time you are. It's time, you feel it in your bones, you feel it in your heart. It's time to go home.

You talk everything through with your bosses over a quick video call. They suggest you take some time off, so you'll be ready for the upcoming trip to Iceland, but you can't do more than shake your head at them. You give them a smile and tell them everything that's going on inside your head. You tell them how glad you are that you had all these amazing opportunities, how much you appreciate them, but you also tell them that you're done. You're done with traveling the world alone, you're just done. They seem to understand where you're coming from, they know this is your dream and they hate to see one of their best photographers go, but there's no more changing your mind.

It takes another two weeks before you're on the plane back home. Home. It almost sounds foreign to you. It's been a little over 4.5 months since you've last seen Elias. Even Facetime was hard to accomplice, the time difference and both of your busy schedules just weren't compatible.

You've decided that you won't tell anybody that you're coming home, except for Brock Boeser. You want to surprise Elias at home, and you need Brock to make sure that he stays home for the night. You also might have bribed Brock to pick you up from the airport, you did need a ride home after all.

Your flight lands exactly on time. Tugging your luggage behind you, you make your way into the welcome hall. Looking around, you spot Brock immediately. He's holding on of those stupid 'welcome home' signs in front of him, how corny. You smile at him, engulfing each other in a tight hug. "Welcome home, y/n. I'm so glad you're back," Brock mutters against your hair. "It's great to see you, Brock," you say against his chest.

"Give me your luggage, y/n. I'm sure you're absolutely exhausted," Brock tells you. You nod at him, before handing over your suitcase and bag. "I'm so ready to go home, I can't wait," you smile back at him. "Petey's going to be over the moon, he misses you so much, y/n." Your eyes fill with tears, and you're having a hard time to keep them at bay. Brock throws his free arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. "Don't cry, sweetheart, he'll be so happy." You smile at him, wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your sweater.

It takes around 30 minutes to finally arrive at the house you share with Elias. Brock stops the car and turns of the ignition. "You want me to help you inside?" he asks you. You shake your head at him. "You did enough, Brock. Thank you." You give him a kiss on his cheek, before leaving the car, dragging your suitcase and bag behind you.

Through the window you can see some movie playing on the TV. Maybe Elias is still awake? That would ruin the surprise for sure. Shrugging your shoulders, you unlock the door and quietly walk inside. You leave your luggage next to the front door, hang up your coat and take off your shoes as well. You decide to clean up the mess you made there later. There are more important things to do right now.

You tiptoe your way into the living room, expecting Elias to be sitting on the couch, but he isn't. Instead, he's laying on his stomach, obviously deep in sleep. You smile at him, he's so cute. You walk over to where he's sleeping, squatting down, so you're at eyelevel with him now. You could watch him like this for ages, but you rather wake him up now. You missed him so much, the both of you have so much lost time to make up for, you can't wait anymore.

You run your hand through his hair, enjoying the familiar feeling of his hair between your fingers. Elias stirs underneath your hand, but doesn't wake up yet. You lean in, kissing him on his cheek, before whispering into his ear. "Wake up, love." You feel him stir some more, eyes opening slowly, blinking fast. You sense that he's not fully awake yet, so you keep running your fingers through his hair. Elias makes some incoherent noises, which makes you smile some more.

Suddenly you feel him freeze, his eyes wide open, locked on yours. "y/n?" he whispers in disbelieve. "Hi, baby," you whisper back, putting your hand on his cheek. You see the change in Elias's eyes. "You're really here?" he asks, his eyes filling with tears. "I'm here, I'm really here," you assure him, your own eyes filling with tears too. He shoots up from the couch, and throws his arms around you. Hiding his head in the crook of your neck, you hug him closer to you. You never want to let him go, never.

You feel his tears soaking your shirt, his sobs getting louder and louder. "Elias, baby, are you okay?" you whisper at him. He lifts his head, looking at you with red, swollen eyes, tears still streaming down his face. "I can't believe you're really here, baby. I missed you so much, so damn much," Elias breathes out, taking your face in his hands, finally connecting his lips with yours.

It's a few minutes later, both of you are on the couch now, instead of the ground. You're laying on Elias's chest, playing with his hair, tracing his lips, just touching him everywhere you can. "I'm not leaving again, Petey," you tell him, instantly feeling that you made the right choice. He looks at you confused, maybe hopeful? "You aren't? When is your next assignment then?" You shake your head at him, a small smile playing on your lips. "Never. I'm not leaving you again, I promise." Elias grabs the back of your head, slamming his lips on yours. "Are you serious, y/n? You're going to make me cry again," he laughs, half sobs. "I've never been more serious, baby. I'm here for good." You wipe his tears away, once again claiming his lips with yours. Arms hugging you tight against him, legs entangled with one another.

Home, this is how home feels like. 



I told you, happy tears. 
cardhousedreamer23 & truenorth55

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