I. The Winged Man

Start from the beginning

If only the drought were a beast, I could end it myself.

    Raya pointed her left arm to the sky, the absent clouds more specifically, and drew her right arm back. She stared to the heavens, taking aim, before releasing a volley of invisible arrows.

Take that.

Shockingly, the mock attack didn't make her feel any better.

"You call yourself a hunter? I could've made away with all your gear by now!" a man's voice teased. Raya looked to the ground with a frown, already knowing it was her mentor's son, Awen. The man was opening her satchel to check out its contents.

"Excuse me?" Raya huffed and began making her way down the tree.

"You're excused. But really, where is your perception? Woah, nice bird!" Awen exclaimed, holding the fowl in victory as if he'd slain it himself.

    Raya climbed down to a safe height and hopped to the ground, closing the distance between her and her new headache. She grabbed the bird from him, puffing her chest trying to look threatening. A cocky grin spread over Awen's features, looking down on her. He was easily a head above her. Feeling a little inadequate, she quickly grabbed her satchel.

"Tell me, why have you disturbed me in my resting place?" Raya repacked her kill, not looking up to meet his eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic, you make it sound as if you've died." Awen chuckled, amused.

"Perhaps I have." Raya was gearing herself back up.

"Ah, good! Maybe the Gods will mistake your death for a sacrifice and this cursed drought will be over. On second thought, I don't know why they would want you." Awen cringed sarcastically at her.

"You're charming." With a roll of her eyes, Raya finally looked at her friend. She knew if she looked too long he would make her laugh, and he would win.

"Aren't I?" Awen tilted his head back, running his hand through his dark hair. Raya managed a faux laugh to cover up her real one. She had all her belongings and was ready to set off again, she knew Awen came because he wanted her company. Either that or he was trying to make her smile, he was always doing that. With her little world so bleak, it was refreshing to have him around.

"Let me guess, time to check your traps? You're always too scared to go alone." Raya turned on her heel and began walking in the usual direction, Awen followed behind with a grin.

"You'd be correct. Although, I was curious to see if you were still hunting or not. But, there you were, playing like a wee babe in a tree." Awen jogged to catch up to her. They trekked alongside the dried up river, exchanging playful banter as always. Not one thing was out of the ordinary that day. Not yet, at least.

    About midway until they reached the traps, Awen's steps had slowed until he was completely stopped. He squinted his eyes, looking intensely up the dried riverbed.

"Oh wow, you really are scared." Raya chaffed, scanning in the same direction.

"You see that? There has been so many odd things we've found on the river since it dried, but that there? That definitely looks like gold to me." Awen abruptly sprinted towards the so-called gold before Raya could even register what he had said. A race.

    A laugh sprang quick from Raya's mouth before making a dash herself. He had to be deluded to think he could outrun her. However, if what he saw was true, it would certainly help their village get through the year; if not longer. As much as Awen refused to fret in front of her, she knew he was just as worried as she.

    Not before long Raya had passed the man, the dry grass crunching under her boots, seeing the glittering metal sticking out of the earth not far ahead. Raya's thoughts began to rush. Could Farnloss really have such fortune? She slowed her pace, making her way into the dried river, the murky bed caking her steps in mud until finally reaching the object. She was so honed in that the rest of her vision was a dark vignette.

    There it was right in front of her. The most magnificent bow Raya had ever seen. It was definitely gold, or at least gold plated, encrusted with rubies and sapphire. It seemed to have a divine glow that pulled her in like a lost moth to a flickering flame. Raya was too awestruck to hear Awen's voice call to her. She took one final step forward before grasping the weapon with both of her hands to heave it out of the grimy mire. The earth released the bow far easier than Raya had expected, making her plant a foot behind her as to not fall.

    There was a ringing in her ears that slowly morphed into Awen's voice calling to her again. Raya was quite expressionless as she looked back to her friend. Awen's eyes were wide and worried as he trudged beside her, pointing to the ground close to her feet.

"Get away! Can you not hear me? What the hell is that?" The concern in his voice became a panicked crescendo.

    Raya gazed down and finally saw what her friend had seen. Halfway buried in the riverbed was a perfectly in tact human skeleton. Or, wait, was it from a human? Raya felt her hair stand on end while hot prickles of anxiety entered her stomach. The lifeless remains harbored two giant wings. What they had laid their eyes on was most certainly once a winged man.

[Word Count: 1,722]

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