The Beginning Of The Tale Part 1

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Disclaimer: I only own my OCs, drawings and the plot. Any Disney characters belongs to Disney. Do not copy or plagiarize my story. I've worked so hard for this for 6 years.

Jade's POV​

I took out my book that I read during breakfast to check it again seeing if I miss some pages. Flipping through the pages I suddenly stopped when I saw the drawings in the book. It drew Mulan carrying a baby holding a hair comb in the baby's hands. It's funny. That baby looks very familiar to me. It's like I know this baby somehow. More interesting, it's that I often dreamt about Disney movies, even some of them I never watched it before. Thoughts are interrupted when my mom called me.

"Honey? Did you hear us what we're talking?" My mom asked. "You know your homeroom number, right?" My dad asked me.

I growled and annoyingly replied. "Yes." And went back to reading To be honest, I'm not so happy about it.

You see, my parents and I had been moving from Traverse to another city called Destiny Star. I was taken to Radiant High School by my parents. However, I don't like the idea of transferring to a new school. Why you asked? Here's the answer.

"Oh Come on, Princess. I know it's tough starting a new school but I'm sure you'll fit right in." My dad reassured me.

"Mom! Dad! You guys making me move in the middle of high school! We've been bounced around from for three times. I'm fine with Traverse city and I was right finally FINALLY fitting right in to finding my tea... Uh my group."

"Your group?" Dad asked.

"Yeah! You know my pack, my crew, my try, my..."

"No no no, honey. Your connection. Your connection." My mom tells me as I went back my seat.

"My team." I whispered sadly.

Serena's POV​

I was in the car, my mom is driving while I'm reading a new book I bought before I moved a few weeks ago. I quickly finished reading the book and closed it and put it into my bag.

Today, my mom drives me crazy. She tricked that I'm actually late for the first day of school, and I got my ass hurts. It was such a big pain in the ass.

I put my right hand on my right cheek, looked at the door's window and groaned that I'm not in my old city.

Just so you know my appearance, I'm a hazel brown hair in a pair of buns that it's wrapped around with two rubber bands making a cross left a little strands in my hair, with three small pink spheres at the bottom. My outfit is colors are rich maroon and purple, with hints of black and to finish it up.

Like Jade, my mom and I had been moving from Traverse to another city called Destiny Star. I was taken to Radiant High School by my parents. And I don't like the idea of transferring to a new school either.

"Oh come on Serena. I understand you don't feel happy about moving but I'm sure you'll get used to it." My mom reassured me.

"But mom, I just don't understand why do we really have to move. I love Traverse city." I questioned her.

"I told you before. I got a job in this city and we have to move to another city. I know it's tough to leave our beloved city but think about the expectations. You can make new friends, join clubs or... go to the library see if they have any books. Fate may have a good reason to led us this place. Who knows? Maybe something big would happened in your hands and you'll realised that it's not as bad as you thought. You might make your dreams come true as well."

I sighed. "My dreams."

My dreams. I always often a bookworm. I would go to the library and borrowed books or bought books that I'm interested in but don't underestimate me. Though I'm a bookworm, I'm sometimes very aggressive, stubborn and extremely impatient as well. If someone or something that annoys me. I can be badass sometimes, people sees me as a bookworm but I can my wild colours as well. My dream is to go on an adventure, I wanted something big happen instead of stuck here with books.

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