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"All done." Zane said who was smiling at looking at her father who was holding a bible.

"It's about time we delt with this deity, young people are dying. It was a good thing to send you and distraught their plans." Waking my daughters spirit from the dead was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I had to make her look like an actual human. "You now need to go rest my child." I tell my daughter.

"I would like to see The Bahamas go down, the day they killed me still haunts me till today."

Zane's death took everyone by suprise. She was only three year's old when she was knocked down by a car and her heart was dugged out. The person behind the starring wheel was Vincent. The Pastor buried his daughter with a heart full of rage and anger. Ever since then he took it upon himself to avenge for his daughters death and destroy everything that belongs to Vincent. He swore upon his late grandmother's grave that he will not stop, and he will do whatever it takes. It took him fifteen years to bring his dead daughter back to life. For fifteen years his been praying that the candle doesn't blow up. Zane has been drinking green thick liquid called Liquid Of Life to stay alive and look like a full human being. She doesn't eat nor sleep, she's a ghost after all, she has been living in the mystical forest.

It's a fasination with life that's at the roof of our fascination of death. Do they live on, in the some sort of metaphysical way? Do they experiance anything comparable to what we call 'consciousness'? Death is a man made term after all.

The candle is burning out and the end is near.

"Rest my daughter, it's been a long journey and for those fifteen years were full of anger and hate. I will take it from there and deal with them once and for all. If I die I will die knowing that I have avenged my daughters death. The angel of death has come to collect what belongs to them." I'm a father who loves his dead daughter whole heartedly.

"Let her avenge her own death. Her spirit will not rest. She will keep roaming around, later on become an angry spirit that will destroy every person who is leaving in the land of the living. I am the angel of life and I have spoken."

"That's all I need." Zane added.

"They will strike anytime from now, prepare yourselves." The angel of life said as she flew.


Here I am standing looking outside the window staring at the burnt tress, cracked roads and destroyed homes. The road is very empty and the world looks very scary with that orange sky. Vincent finally untied me but was still a prisoner inside this house. The beatings have gone from bad to worse. We've been living like this for weeks and I have nothing left in me.

I'm sadly looking at my mother who's groaning in pain and sweating. Her stomach is way too big for someone who is eighteen weeks and that's literally four months. I've tried contacting my dad but his response was :-It's the love of money that got you into that situation. Tell Vincent to bring back you're corpse once you're dead including that good for nothing mother of yours.
I felt my heart begin reaped apart into pieces. I'm lost for words and I don't see myself getting out of this.

My vigina has been giving me problems lately. Every inside read wall meat is all hanging out and leaking. I fell the yellow sticking water gush down my legs and i just knew that my pad was full. I shamefully walk to the bathroom, pulled my panties down and got the shock of my life. The pad I was wearing had small worms crawling on it.

"Ow my God, What is this." I placed my hand on my sagging vigina abd came out with worms full in my hand.
"I'm rotten." I don't know how to feel at this point. The love of money is the route of all evil. The love of money is the route of suffering. If only i had listened to my father I wouldn't be here. Imagine sleeping with the unknown different creatures day and night. I wiped my painful vigina with baby wipes, just to get rid of that bad odour, changed the pad and washed my smelly hands and slowly went back to where my mother was. I found her pushing really hard and to my suprise the head was already out. Who gives birth when they still four months pregnant?

"Mum what the hell are you doing?"  Maybe she's trying to have an abortion.

"He….help me." I saw pain in her eye's, she was pale and very weak. As I'm still lost in the trails of her weakness. A hissing sound brought me back to life.

"Jesus God of Nazareth, what the hell is this." I'm spooked looking at a terrifying creature. A half snake, half human.

"Who's the father of this….." i don't even know what to call it.

"K…kill it." My mother says with a shakey crancky voice.

"You want me to kill you're baby?" Is she mad or what.

"It's not a baby, i….It's a demon." This woman is really testing me.

"How do I kill this thing?" I'm standing on top of the bed far away from them. I'm no killer, I have my own problems and these worms are giving me no rest, as they creeping out of me.

"Listen N…Natasha, if you do not kill this thing it will kill us first."

I waisted no time, I ran to the bathroom remembering that there's a sjambok behind the door that had blood stains on it. I'm trembling in fear, if I don't kill this thing mow it will definatly kill us. As afraid as I am I had the courage to bash it's head messlesly. All the anger came back, all the horror I've been facing came back. I looked at it and breathe out of relief knowing now it's dead. I slid down on the floor and cryed out all the pain, I killed a snake human which happens to be my mother's son or daughter.

I look at my mother who had her eye's wide open without blinking, and her mouth was slightly opened with green flies dripping out of her mouth. I just knew right that moment that my mother is no more.
What have we gotten ourselves into. Why was I blinded by money? Why did I not listen to my father? Why did I make mockery of Nomandla's situation? I get hold of my phone, I need to apologise to the people I've wronged. I typed my father a message with a weeping heart. I hate myself and I hate the life I chose. Before I make any drastic decisions I need to apologise to Nomandla for my shitty behavior. I know my fate, and I know there's no coming out of this.

"Ow father please forgive me. If only I took you're elderly advice  we wouldn't be in this position. I practically threw myself in this pit hole. My heart is broken as I'm writing this message. I hope God himself will accept me with my sins. Vincent will never see heaven and I will never forgive him even in the next life. Mother is no more and she gave birth to a human snake. I'm shattered and broken. Know that I love you and you will forever be in my heart. Take care of yourself. I know I wasn't the best daughter but you were the best father any child could ever wish for."

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