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Nomandla pushed me to the edge, I'm beyond angry. I took out all my frustrations on Natasha. She got to witness the ruthless man, she got to feel how I used to treat Nomandla.

I can't afford to slack now. I've been following this girl for the past two days. Today is the day I do my magic trick on her.

"Hy you look really beautiful. What's you're name." I had to pretend so that I could work my charms on her.

"Zane is my name."

"Can I take you home if you do not mind?" I asked her. I see, I still have tricks up my sleeves.

"No thank you. I'm fine sir, but I have to rush home before my mother comes back." She answered me looking down.

"You see I'm saving you truoble. Allow me to take you home and you will arrive earlier than mummy. Come on babe girl I don't bite."

At first she was reluctant and ended up getting in the car and she directed him.

"So tell me do you have a boyfriend sugar plum? Have you ever had sex before?" I seriously want to know before I put my plan in motion.

"Erm no none of the above." Her baby face made her look way too innocent.

"How old are you?" I'm just keep the time pass by.

"Fifteen." Perfect candidate for my perfect plan.

"You're grown look at those breats." I licked my kips making her feel a bit scared.

"That's not the way home sir, you took a wrong turn." I could see her getting more terrified.

I drove as fast as I could and parked my car in the drive way. I took out my gun and pointed her with it.

"Get out of my car, if you scream I'll kill you." I looked at her noddibg her head with tears streaming down her cheecks. She got of the car stood aside playing with her fingers.

"Follow me." It felt good be in control. I felt like a real man. I still have the gun in my hands, and little girl was terrified.

"Please don't kill me." She begged for her life sobbing painfully.

He puuled her hand roughly and dragged her to the darkroom. She gasped looking at the biggest snake infront of her. Her knees got weaker and weaker. The room was spinning making her to fall down on the floor.

"Sleep little girl and you shall sleep forever. All shall be well." I said with a huge smile on my face, and blew white substance on her face to make her fall into deep sleep.

Later that evening The Great Bahamas were kneeling down in the oracle room. The ritual has began, black candles were surrounding the girls body. It's time for a prayer session to call upon The Great Bahamas to rise and become stronger. The prayer began.

"Our creator who art in hell
Sacred is thy internal name
Bringer of daily indulgences
Thy infernal kingdom awaits
Our will on earth as it is in hell
Lead us to God head and deliver us from ignorance
For thyne is the true empire
The power and the glorious

The clouds turned black making it thunder. They stood up and each one of them took the black candle and they threw it deep into the dark hole.
They all followed each other into the man's cave where Mamba was chained, wearing black robes with read hats. They lit three red candles which have been placed in a triangle between the black candles and sprinkled a little bit of salt.

Human sacrifice, the offering of the life of a virgin to a deity. The occurrence of human sacrifice can be related as a scared life force. A virgin is the most valuable material for a sacrifice, offered in the attempt of expiation.

Mamba was released from the chains and he slowly crawled to where Zane was layed. Her legs were wide open for Mamba to have a feast on her.

"A great sacrifice for the Great Oracle." Shebba cheered smiling looking at Zane.

"Sssss" Mamba hissed as he shoved his head and his entire body inside of her vigina making her scream outloud as the excruciating pain stricked. He sucked all of her intestines leaving nothing inside of her. He came out of her looking all bloody and scarier. Zane who was on the floor and had no strenght left. She tried fighting them but it was too much for her. She cried until she lost hope. Her spirit slowly detached from her helpless body.
They picked her helpless body up and placed it inside a coffin.

"Every night for seven day's, you will sleep with her corpse after that you will dispose her body by the river so she could be found and buried." The king tells Vincent.

The clouds outside were getting darker and darker. Heavy rain with wind formed making the windows break and shatter everyting. The wind was destroying everything inside the oracle room.

"Something is wrong." Shebba said scanning around the room that has been destroyed by wind. "This was not suppose to happen."

"What's going on." Vincent asked, the situation was spinning out of control.

"We used the wrong body for the ritual. The girl, that girl is a prayer warrior where ever she is she's deep in prayer." The king closed his eyes and saw a group of people praying inside the church. He cursed and opened his eyes. "Shit this is the Pasters daughter. How come we didn't pick this one up." The king was beyond angry.

The clouds were very, very dark outside with thunder rumbling destroying everything. No cars, no people on the roads. All cellphone's lost networks, all televisions and radio stations lost signals. Everyone was at home  scared to death. To them it felt like the world is coming to an end. Every homestead was deep in prayer.

"The body has disappeared, how's that even possible. I smell war, the battle is yet to begin. Prepare yourselves." Shebba said as she disappeared through the walls.

"Vincent! Vincent! Vincent! You've cost us with your stupidness. I can't track her fucken body." The kings anger was making things worse.

Vincent sat down and thought deep about this situation. How did things go wrong? He was suppose to pick it up that she was the wrong candidate for this ritual. Where to from here?

In Natasha's room.
Seven little dwarfs with long beards and scary faces were taking turns in doing a sexual intercourse with Natasha. She was tired up on the bed and she could not move. All her father's warnings came back. It then clicked, Nomandla once said she knows what happened to her kids and his mother. This is the blood money that she was talking about, so this means her son did not die, but was killed by his own father just for money. She has been sleeping with the unknown creatures funny enough she obeys.
When she thinks about her father's words she feels her world crushing and crumbling down. She thought of her pregnant mother who has become a walking zombie under her noise.

She looked at the dirty dwarfs doing the dance of rejoicement. Her lower part of her body is numb, it has no feelings what so ever.

"Obhaku" the dwarfs said as they formed a circle and vanished out of the room.

She felt a very warm precense on top of her and she just knew right that minute that the unseenable ghost has come to penetrate her, this has become her daily routine. She hardly sees Vincent. She tried to escape but ended up being tied onto the bed like a prisoner by Vincent. She feels the ghost graunting in pleasure on top of her and she had her eyes closed. Right now she wishes nothing but death, she can't deal with this pain any longer.

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