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Week went by pretty fast and my mother was laid to rest, but something strange happened. Her coffin was dripping blood in all corners and she was standing on top of the coffin with blood on her hands, her heart hanging out of her mouth with three little kids surrounding her. I felt my skin crawl like I'm about to loose my mind.

After the burial i drove straight to my house finding Natasha and her mother watching a movie. I just walked passed them without greeting and went straight to my Dark Room Oracle. I needed Shebba's consultation right this minute.

The room was red whis was unusual,  i knelt down in front of the skeleton Buddha which has skeleton human heads.

"Shebba, Queen of The Great Bahamas your son has arrived" the secret door opened and the Ghost Shebba appeared.

"You mother would be your downfall Vincent" Shebba said as she sat down on the high gigantic chair. Her aura ghost demands respect. As much as she's a ghost she still looked beautiful with the see through flawlessly skin.

"But you recommend that she comes with great price" still kneeling down looking at the human skulls.

"We have to perform a ritual so her soul could be trapped. As long as her soul is trapped you will be safe" she stood up and glared at him "we will need a blood of a new born boby. Make a plan before tonight i will be back to perform" she disappeared through the walls leaving her black ashes behind.

Vincent sat down rubbing his head in frustration "where will i get a new born baby, I'm fucked up".

Later that afternoon Vincent was sitting quitely along with the member's of his cult to perform the ritual. Natasha was put into deep sleep with human skulls surrounding her and she layed there with her hands on her side. Vincent took it upon him to sacrifice yet again with his unborn child. Shebba the goddess of the cult sprinkled blood on Natasha's lower abdomen to prepare for the arrival of the sacrifice.

Natasha's stomach was slit open and the baby was taken out of her stomach. It was a premature baby with pinkish soft wrinkled skin. The baby boy was placed on top of on top of Shebba's ashes while Natasha was being stiched up and was tossed aside like a useless dog.

"Shall we begin? Shebba asked as she sliced into the captive's torso while it made those tiny cries piercing through their ear drums and removed his small still beating heart. With his tiny heart it will feed the God's of the Great Bahamas and ensure the continued existed of the world.

The tiny body was caried into another ritual space, where they layed it face-up. Armed with year's of practice, obsidian blades sharper than today's surgical steel. She than made an incision in the thin space between two vertebrae in the neck expertly decapitating the body. She began to defy and cut away the skin. Since the baby was tiny and soft it was hard to cut all the necessary parts.
They than curved larged holes in both sides of his tiny skull into a thick wooden post that held other skulls.

Eventually after months or years in the sun and rain the skull will began to fall into pieces. Shebba normally removes it to so it can be fashioned into a mask placed in for offering. These skulls were seeds that would ensure the continued existence of humanity. A tiny heart was sliced into seven pieces for them to have it raw.

"The eye of the God's have accepted the great sacrifice. The Great Bahamas of the Oracle will be hourned" silence filled the room as they bowed dpwn their heads in respect chewing the bitterness of the baby's heart.

"An angry spirit is lurking around  disturbing our peace" Shebba declared as Vincent's mother's spirit appeared in the room dripping blood.

"Vincent it's not too late to correct your wrongs my son. Change your ways before i do something that will send you straight to the dungeon" his mother's was beyond unsettled as she cried blood.

"Her soul needs to be captured before she destroys us" King Luke protested and he stood up.

Vincent kept quite not knowing what to do, all he ever wanted was fame and money. All these sacrifices come with great achievements to him. He doesn't regret sacrificing his own mother and unborn babies. It felt good and wrong at the same time. Now what's left is to trap his mother's angry spirit.

When a person dies their soul doesn't ascend to the after life automatically. The soul builds a connection with it's body while alive and remains attached to the body in death through natural decomposition, the soul gradually looses it's connection to the mortal realm. Vincent's mother was an angry spirit that has been unable to ascend properly and remain trapped on mortal realm. These spirits are a constant pain and seek to take out their agony and misery on the living by lulling them.

"To capture a soul, there must be atleast one empty soul gem in invetory that is large enough to hold the soul if not it must be shrinked" Vincent said while scanning his eye's around the room.

"We always come prepard" Shibba's voice filling the room. She picked up the spear and she threw it right at the spirit and immediately blew white powder making the spirit to shrink into the size of an egg.

"That was easy" Vincent exclaimed in excitement.

"Easy water's" Shibba added as she picked her up, sealed her mouth with ashes and threw her inside of the bottle closing it and placed it inbetween the skulls.

"Mamba needs to feed. It's been long since he had new flesh" the king darted looking at Vincent with shallow eye's.

"New flesh he shall receive" Vincent added.

"Release him from the chains so he could have his satisfaction".

Snakes are used to aquire riches. If Mamba is well fed with the right muti on it, it would make your life and business go from one to hundred. He was set free as he hissed, he went out of the room headed to the living room finding Natasha's mother asleep on the couch. It snailed inbetween her legs making her jump in fear and froze when she saw a huge snake turn into an old man. She became wet instantly from sweat and blacked out instantly.

He caressed his snakey hands on her thighs and hissed looking at her virginia. It reaped her clothes leaving her naked, jerked his machine which was four times bigger than humans. He positioned himself and entered her cookie as it teared up apart to the anus area. The warmth in her made Mamba take longer than usual until she bleed uncontrollably. He released his eggs in her as he went back into his snake form crawling back to The Dark Oracle Room.

"My work here is done" said Shebba as she disappeared into the walls and the other's followed.

"What a hectic sacrifice" Vincent said in excitement. He looked at his mother's spirit shaking his head. "You made a jackpot" with a smile plastered on his face. What's left to do is cook up a lie to Natasha when she wakes up. Maybe having a family was not for him, this is his life. He picked up Natasha's helpless body and placed her on the bed as he slept next to her.

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