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Mphakamseni Foundation is really a place to rewind making you forget the traumer experience you've endured. Ever since I came here I've been at peace. I can now smile without fearing anything. I now have friends with a beautiful lady named Nomkhosi. Their family is one large happy one, their support system is out of this world.

I heard that Vincent's mother is no, to be honest i was heart broken. That woman welcomed me and loved me like her own. Not even once she became a monster inlwaw. The dreams I keep on having about her are very disturbing. She looks trapped where ever she is. It's probably just a dream that means nothing.

I'm glad to say I've been expressing my emotions on writing and I've found a hobby in it. I never knew that writing can make you feel this lighter, it's some sort of therapy.

I see khosi making her way inside my bedroom with her stomach leading the way. These women pop babies like machines especially Zelo. I almost fainted when I heard she has twelve kids and another crew of sexteplets on the way which means they will have eighteen "you are here, I've been looking for you all over" she sat down making herself comfortable exhaling outloud "i hate pregnancy" she says.

When i got to learn about Khosi's life history it touched me. I thought my life was a total mess. I thought I was the only one who had problems bigger than life itself. Being raped continuously is a traumatic experience and i don't wish it even on my enemy. Her albinosim complements her beauty.

"I was just finishing this chapter" i tell her looking at her glowing skin.

"How's it going"? she asked pulling the diary from my hand and flipped through the pages.

"Only one last chapter left and I'm done" I'm so excited.

"You pretty good, you should have your personal blog on facebook or create an account on visionary writings and gain yourself followers. Who knows maybe someone will be interested in publishing it for you. Why not showcase your craft of art to the world" she added.

"I will definatly do that" we stayed for hours creating a profile for my blog. Now i need to start typing and share my experience. Later on her husband fetched her.

I looked at Khosi as she went out of the building with her husband and two adorable kids. Maybe my life would have been like this if i didn't turn my back on Scebi. No use crying over spilt milk, I just got to pick the pieces of my life and focus on the future. It's high time i look for a job i can't rely on other people for ever. Being in this Foundation is just temporary until i get back on my feet.


My house is full of money, I'm swimming in money. Ngindoda enemali eningi. My life is shinning bright like a diamond. After the sacrifice Natasha woke up to an empty stomach and i had to cook up a cookable lie.

"Babe when you feel asleep you went into a deep coma, i just got terrified and i had to rush you to the hospital. Unfortunately I was late maybe if i saw ealier that something is wrong all of this wouldn't have happend. The doctor's said i could also loose you if they don't remove the baby inside of you. The baby had to be removed cause it was already dead and i asked them to crement him" stupid her believed me.

Her mother has been a walking zombie in this house and it's starting to annoy me. She should just suck it all in and besides she's benefiting from this money also. They wanted a luxurious life and I'm giving them one and Ican't be blamed for their miseryand tears. Their tears don't shake me one bit.

"I think we should take my mother to the hospital to one of thee expensive one's, she has been bleeding for day's now. She's too old to be bleeding" Natasha said as she held her abdomen fliching in pain.

"Oh ok" that's all i managed to say cause honestly I don't care.


"What's taking them so long" Natasha asked I'm also tired of waiting.

"Finally here's the doctor hope he has good news" sounding annoyed, cause he has to pay for the bills.

"Thank you for you're patience. We had a hard time diagnosing the problem until we managed to spot it. Uterine is a rare but serious childbirth complication that could occur during viginal birth. It causes the mother's uterus to tear so the baby slips to her abdomen. This can cause serve bleeding in the mother and can suffocate the baby" the doctor tells them not to sure whether to continue or not.

"So you are trying to tell me that my mother is pregnant, but how? When?" she gasped not believing the news. "My parent's haven't been intimate for about a year now. This is just confusing" and indeed she was confused.

The doctor cleared his throat preparing to deliver more devastating news "not only that. It looks like she also had a viginal tear. It can be caused by damage during sex or putting foreign objects into the vigina. The treatment depends  on how serve her tear is and at this point she has deep tears. These are more like to cause serve pains and heavy bleedings and must be fixed with immediate sugery.

"Ow my God what does this mean" trying by all means not to cry.

"It means whatever she used or who ever she was intimate with was very huge, definitely not a human size" the doctor responded.

"What's next?" She asked looking terrified.

"Surgery will commence and taking care of the bleeding" as he went through the patient's file. "She has to avoid sex for a couple of month's to save her baby. That will be all excuse me" with that said the doctor left to attend to other patient's.

"I don't know what to say I'm just lost and dumbfounded. If she's pregnant who's the father of the baby cause I'm certainly sure that it's not my father's" she's way to confused forgetting she's in pain.

"Let's go home I'm tired" Vincent says as they walked out of the hospital and drove straight home. The house looks clean. Vincent decided to hire a house help that will clean during the week.

Vincent was more worried about Mamba at this point. If Natasha's mother is pregnant that means he is the father or Mamba is. Mamba was having pleasurable moments with Gabby Natasha's mother every single night. He now hardly turns back to his snake form. What concerns him is will Mamba bring in more moneyif he give Gabby his full attention. He doesn't want him lacking and talking to him will clear the air.

"Mamba you do know that you belong to me not to Gabby. I don't want you loosing focus jsut because of that old woman's vigina" Vincent blurted in anger making Mamba hiss  as he looked at him with his green eye's.

"If Mamba id perfectly feed you have nothing to worry about, pity he will sleep with an empty stomach today. Satisfy my needs till she comes back. Hope my son will not be affected by all this" looking at his reflection in the mirror of a half human half snake.

"For a moment i thought I'm responsible" he breathes outloud holding his chest.

"I was marking my territory" he hissed.

"You can have Natasha till Gabby comes back, don't plant you're eggs in her" Vincent said as he walked out of The Dark Oracle Room making Mamba smile.

Blood MoneyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora