He looked at me with a smile. "It's really you..." He reached up and touched my face. "You're even better than I thought you'd be."

"Are you hurt? What happened? What did he do to you?"

Kasai coughed and blood ejected from him. I looked around his body and found there the blood was coming from. I grabbed his hand and pressed it over his wound, my hand on his.

"Stay with me, Kasai... You can't go. We haven't even met yet. We haven't... we haven't gotten to talk and get to know each other. Mars knows you better than me right now... Please... Please, my precious son, don't leave me like this..."

Kasai's eyes filled with tears and he smiled. "Precious son... I like that..."

"That's what you are. I know you didn't come about in the most convenient or conventional way, but you're my son. You're mine, you hear me?" I asked, putting my forehead to his. "Please... I promise I won't ever let go if you just stay with me..." I whispered.

"I need a doctor." He said softly. "I know if we get one, I can live."

I felt someone kneeling next to me and looked over, finding Dawaen.

"Tell me where they are in there and I'll go get them. All this excitement has Kole going into labor as well. We'll need them."

"You really think you can beat the clock?" Kole yelled, looking over at us so menacingly. "I landed a fatal wound to your 'precious baby boy'. It was supposed to be you. So if he dies, you can blame yourself for your slowness."

"Aaron..." I heard Kasai say behind me. "It's A972 but if you call him Aaron he will go ballistic, but it's worth it."

I got up and walked over to Kole, who was struggling against Dr. Bluewater and Dr. Market and labor pains. I looked at him for a moment.

"Tell me, Aaron, what have I done to you? Why are you insistent that you make my life a living-fucking-hell?!"

Kole smiled this evil smile and I knew it wasn't Kole.

"Because I enjoy watching you suffer."

I had had enough to this nonsense today, I pulled back my fist and punched him straight in the throat. He went down and I shook my hand, not used to fighting. It felt good though.

"Max! You need to come back." Dawaen yelled, standing up. "I'm going inside to get someone. Where are they?"

"They are still in surgery with Mars. Try to get a nurse out here." I said, going back to Kasai.

Dawaen nodded and took off inside of the building. I got on my knees next to Kasai and grabbed his head, putting it in my lap.

"I won't ever leave you again, okay? I'm going to be right here. They're going to fix you up and you'll be good as new." Kasai smiled, but his face was getting pale. "Kasai, please... please, please, my baby... Please don't leave me..."

"I'm trying. I'm trying as hard as I can."

I touched his face and ran my fingers through his hair, exploring him like I couldn't when he was born. He was perfect... He reached up and grabbed my hand, putting it on his head.

"Pet my head and tell me everything will be okay." He whispered, his eyes brimming with tears. "Please..."

I smiled and pet his head tenderly. "Everything will be okay, Kasai. I promise..."

Kasai smiled. "I love you, Papa."

"I love you more than anything in this world. I will save you."

Just then I heard footsteps and looked back, finding Agent Holt with a gurney and a few others.

"Hurry up and get him into surgery, right now." They moved me out of the way and put Kasai on the gurney to take him away. Agent Holt looked at us and then looked at Mom and Dad.

"Geneva; Brunswick... Fancy seeing you here?"

"We could say the same." Dad said and then pointed behind him. "That kid is going into labor. I think he's all the excuse and experimentation you need?"

Agent Holt looked over and his eyes got wide with curiosity and a 'wtf' look. The remaining people all left to go into the facility and then where was nothing.

My best friend is getting his son extracted from him. My son just saved my life and is hanging on death's door. The guy I thought was my best friend is about to have a baby taken out of him as well... I felt a small hand on my back and turned, finding Dad.

"They'll be alright, son."

I turned fully to him and hugged him as tightly as I could. He returned the favor and I felt like I was finally home since I was taken two years go. Mom joined us and I finally felt safe and loved, something I hadn't felt in a long, long time.


oh no! aaron took over kole's brain and tried to kill max but ended up really wounding kasai! this isn't the end everyone! or is it?

The Oddities of Grand Marquis - Book 3: Elegant Armageddon 🪼✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें