" Where does this question of strong and weak arise from? Sir Gulf trusted me, the only thing he asked was to take care of you. How do you think I should feel, when I know I failed to meet his expectations." " Oh! I am sorry. I didn't realise it was always about Phi Gulf and never about me." Seeing how Bright was trying to speak again, Win raised his hands signalling the older boy to stop. " Thank you for letting me know where is my place. You don't need to worry phi Gulf doesn't hold you responsible for anything. So rest assured you are still in his good books." It was a moment of realisation for Win, may be no mission can make Bright return his feelings. He laid down with his back towards Bright. Deep inside he wished the senior would say how wrong he was and it was not just about his brother but he mattered too, but all he received was a painful silence in return.

Finally it was time to return home, the staffs and students one by one got into the bus with Mew and Gulf being the last to enter. Gulf could see the questioning look on Mew's face" That's a bus. This is one mode of transportation we have now a days .Common let's get inside". Mew nodded his head, for someone who had only travelled in carriages and on horses, this was so thrilling. Gulf allowed Mew to sit on the window side and as expected he was fascinated and excited about everything and anything his eyes fell on. Every time something made him curious he would turn to Gulf and in his excitement he would sometimes become loud . " Mew I know you are curious but please keep your voice low. We don't want people to have any suspicion regarding you, because no way a grown up man in this era would be curious about why a car is moving on road." Mew's face fell, everything around is new to him, but from Gulf's words he understood that he might have looked like a fool to others. He tried to sit still and fight his urges to ask Gulf.

Mew's disappointment wasn't left unnoticed by Gulf. For some reason he didn't like it, he felt guilty. He searched his bag for something that could help him to lift up the Prince's mood. " Here, have this I am sure you will like this." Mew just stared at him confused, but then he accepted it. " Come on eat it, that's a chocolate it's tasty, even though I am not a fan of it but many are." Then why do you have it with you. " I was never fond of sweets, but I will always have one or two with me, Win is just so crazy about them." The moment the sweetness of the chocolate spread in his mouth Mew's eyes sparkled. Gulf couldn't help but simply smile, in the last two days with the prince he realised that Mew had a childish side to him that shows unknowingly at moments like these. Knowing how Mew would never ask him again Gulf himself took the initiative to explain things that they come across.

They had almost come half way, may be within half an hour they would stop for lunch. Win glanced at the boy seated next to him. Events of this morning once again played on his mind. He had already decided to stay away from Bright, neither did he find the Senior boy in the tent when he woke up thus never thought about sitting beside him. To his surprise Bright held his hands as he was walking towards the bus and that's how he ended up sitting near him. Both the boys never spoke a word. Neither did Win question Bright's earlier action nor did Bright explain his behaviour. It was just a little thing, a three letter word EGO that caused the suffocating silence between them. Bus stopped for a break and still neither of them were ready to give up thus silent war continued.

Mew stared at the wrapper in his hands. He have eaten varieties of royal sweets, but this one was different, he liked it. But what he liked the most is the similarity between the chocolate and the one who gave it to him. He felt just like Chocolate tasted sweet with a pinch of bitterness mixed with it, Gulf too could be a little bitter but sweet and gentle at the same time. Somewhere in between Gulf fell asleep on Mew's shoulder, he had only lent his shoulders to two people who were the love of his life and yet he never felt the need to wake Gulf up. In the past two days he felt a sense of familiarity with Gulf and Win which was painful and soothing at the same time. With the crowding thoughts it didn't take much for the Prince to rest his head on the one who slept on his shoulder.

Bright went down the bus with his friends and Win decided to join his brother. The bus was almost empty, but what caught his attention was a worried and anxious face of Mild and Boat who stood near Gulf and Mew. He rushed towards them in no time. The scene was really cute that he was tempted to take his phone out and capture the moment. His brother and the Prince was almost cuddling each other, he wondered whether this was how they slept the last two night and most importantly how would Gulf react when he finds out what he had just done. But when he made a close look on his brother's face he knew why the other two men were worried. Gulf's cheeks were wet with tears and they continued to flow down.

Mild first woke Mew up by gently shaking him and signed him to look at Gulf. Mew shook Gulf with a little force to wake him and when he opened his eyes they looked straight into Mew's. The Prince saw the pain lingering behind those glossy orbs,adding to it the latter smiled at him which too said he was in pain and then in the next second those eyes closed and his head fell back which Mew and others caught on reflex.

I know that I am not updating regularly as usual. You all know that the quarantine and lock down period is almost over and we all are going back to our regular lives. So as now my internship started I find less time to write. I am trying to get used to the busy life just like before and then I hope I can manage time and update on a regular basis. But most important thing is today is our beloved Phi Mew's Birthday. So Happy Mew Suppasit Day to all my readers. Stay safe and happy, Thank you. ❤❤❤

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