The Kiss

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Mara awoke with a gasp for the third time that night. She kept having dreams about Adrian, which all seemed to end with them making out. Her skin moist and sticky from sweat and hot weather, Mara looked over at the clock to find that it was almost one AM. She sighed before she made the decision to sneak out, and this time, she would escape out her window. Mara luckily had a huge tree right outside her window, and she would use it to climb down to ground level.

Mara packed her backpack with a flashlight, a blanket, her cellphone, and some snacks taken from her emergency stash she had hidden in her closet. She used her flashlight to find a sweatshirt and some leggings to change into, making sure to be quiet.

Once Mara had gotten onto her balcony, she flung her backpack straps onto both shoulders and climbed so she was perched on the railing. Using her new strength she gained from her mermaid powers, she jumped successfully onto the nearest branch. She was now glad her mother had taught her some new tricks once she got home from school that day.

By using her strength, she got down the tree ever so swiftly and lowered her feet gently onto the ground. Mara's parents would never have thought she would use her powers for these things......ah screw it, she told herself, she would do what she pleased. Feeling exhilarated by her surge of power, she started to run towards the clearing, but slowed down halfway there; swimmers don't run.

When she finally reached the clearing she spotted the boulder and the wolf on top of it. She walked over to the wolf and then hesitated, this was, after all, a wild animal. Mara shook her head and gently pet the wolf's head, if she showed fear, it would most definitely attack her. And much to Mara's surprise, the wolf happily licked her hand in response.

"Ew," Mara giggled. "Here, I got you some food." She said, giving the wolf a piece of beef jerky. He took the food willingly. "You're not really afraid of anything are you?" She said, mostly to herself though, she didn't expect him to answer. Mara sighed, "I don't suppose you know anything about relationships." She was met with more silence. And then chewing noises. She ignored the savage beast beside her and looked up at the crescent that was missing from an otherwise full moon.

"You're lucky you're just a helpless wolf. Humans have so much more drama," Mara said, the wolf rolled his eyes. "I'm going to supposedly fall in love with this guy I just met, with no control over it, and to top it all off I'm now a mermaid." She huffed, but was stopped short of her rant when the wolf perked up and ran away into the direction of the forest.

"Hey wait! I didn't mean to scare you!" She yelled, grabbing her backpack and chasing after the creature. After a while, she lost track of the white wolf and she stopped to sit down. "What am I doing, this is a wild animal, it lives in the woods, who am I to go and become best friends with it and chase after it like I own it. I should just go home." Mara said to herself.

"Wait, Mara." Spoke a male voice that Mara knew very well. Mara stopped in her tracks and looked behind her.

"Adrian? Where did you come from?" She asked, bewildered, as she looked at him. His brown hair and clothes were disheveled and he was slightly out of breath.

"I've been with you for the whole time." He said, letting Mara put together the pieces.

"What do you mean? Were you following me?" She said, completely oblivious to the obvious truth.

"I'm- I- Here, let me show you. Turn around and close your eyes until I give a sign."

"Okay......" She said, confused, but obeyed anyways. She waited for about two minutes before she heard a strange barking noise and took it as the sign to turn around. The wolf was back, sitting on a pile of Adrian's clothes. Then the wolf ran away with his clothes and came back two minutes later with them on, and as Adrian, the human.

"Oh no. You have got to be kidding me." She said angrily. "So I'm assuming you are a werewolf. And I'm a mermaid. And we are connected by a magic moon bond that says that we will fall madly in love with each other."

"Pretty much yeah. Except the fact that mermaids and werewolves have a deep rooted hate for each other and are constantly waging war against each other." He said with an exasperated sigh. "My father is not going to allow this, so you are going to have to try to be as less mermaid-like as possible around my family."

"Wait a minute, what if I figure out that you are a terrible person and I don't want to date you? There. Problem solved." Mara said anxiously.

"Ouch." He said sarcastically.

"I'm serious." She frowned.

"The moon match is way to powerful to be avoided. It's no use." He pinned his eyebrows together in concentration. "I got it! I gave you my phone number, so whenever we want to meet up we need to communicate, but we can't keep meeting up at 1 AM, it makes my parents suspicious." He said oblivious (I love that word) Mara's protests.

"Well this won't be a problem, because I don't want to meet up with you at all. Or make any contact with you whatsoever." She said folding her arms. She felt a stabbing pain in her heart, like guilt.

"Mara,-" He started, a hurt look on his face.

"Look, Adrian I'm sure you are a great guy and all but you can't just glare at me every time you see me at school. Or use me to cheat on your homework, and come and eat all my beef jerky. And then you act like it's all fine and claim me as your soulmate." She ranted as a tear rolled down her cheek. "It isn't right, I barely even know who you are"

"I'm sorry, I don't even know what's wrong with me sometimes." Said Adrian, wiping the tear away with his thumb.

"Right." Mara spat in reply, flinching at his touch. She spun around on her heel and started to walk away.

"Wait! Mara I'm sorry I really am, please," He rushed after her and held her arm to turn her around. "Can we start over, as friends?"

Mara met his eyes, they were filled with longing. Mara replied without thinking about the consequences. "Fine."

"Yes!" He grabbed the sides of her face and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before running towards his house. "I'll text you!"

"That's not what friends do!" She yelled after Adrian.

While walking home, Mara could still feel his kiss on her lips.

There was no doubt in Mara's mind, that this was the greatest first kiss ever.

It's finished and I love it!!
Thank you for reading, I love y'all
Vote, Comment, and follow, Please :)
Lovez Ya


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