But overtime, she grew accustomed to this lack of excitement. It was like eating stale bread. At first, you don't like it- and you never end up liking it. But at the same time, it's the only bread you have ever eaten, so you just assume that all bread is supposed to taste like that. So you munch on it and munch on it, convincing yourself it's normal, good, and healthy bread until one day you just get so sick of it that you throw it into the trash and never look back (even if that piece of bread somehow keeps getting back into your house). But one day, you look around and you find a loaf- one that you thought was disgusting, moldy, and overall unbearable. And soon, you take a bite, just a crumb of it- and it's delicious. It's like something you have never tasted before. It's so mysterious and unique and you just need to have more of it.

Okay, maybe that wasn't the best analogy but you get the point. That's how Rose felt.

She needed to see him again. How could he just leave like that, so abruptly? It was such a small, stupid little kiss on her forehead yet it meant more than anything Jacob has ever done. That night replayed in her mind endlessly like a video on loop, leaving her smiling like a fool.

"Rose, are you ready? We're leaving now!" Hermione yelled out from the kitchen.

"I'm coming!" Rose called out, rushing downstairs into the living room.

"Where is Hugo? HUGO!"

"Mum, calm down. It's just a dinner party. Who cares if we're late?" Rose threw herself down onto the couch next to her dad.

"I don't even know why we're going to this bloody thing anyways. It's just going to be one of those stupid rich people parties pure-bloods throw each year." Ron grumbled from besides her.

"We're going because it would look good on you for your job. A lot of other Aurors will be there. Even Harry's coming. Plus, as the Minister for Magic, I am required to attend."

Ron looked like he had more to say but kept his mouth shut at the stern look his wife shot him.

"So Al's going to be there, right?"

"Yes, Rose. Albus will be there. Now, please- all I ask of the two of you is that you behave."

"Is she looking at me- are you looking at me?" Rose asked, turning her head from her dad to mum, back and forth.

"I know how you two think. Like father, like daughter."

"I don't know Er'mione, I just think this is a complete waste of time. I don't want to lose two hours of my life being in the same room as a bunch of pure-blood supremacists." He whined.

"They're not all like that, Ron."

Hugo came running down the stairs, nearly tripping upon himself on the way down. "I'm here! Oh thank Merlin you guys didn't leave without me."

"Yes, a real shame." Rose quipped.


Rose's jaw dropped to the floor the moment they walked into their destination. She looked around, gasping at the large, gold and white themed ballroom she was currently standing in. The floors looked like that of an enlarged chess board, but instead of black and white, it was a glossy shade of  caramel and cream. There were numerous chandeliers hanging from the dome shaped ceiling in an orderly pattern. Multiple small, round tables with white sheets spread over were organized in the room so that there was a large, vacant circle in the center of the ballroom. And coming down from the very end of it all was a grand staircase- one that looked so shiny and slippery that Rose was glad she didn't walk down from it.

Elegance practically radiated from every aspect of the room. Even the people there! Tall wizards and witches strode across the ballroom, holding glasses of champagne and haughty figures.

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