Atlacall - Part I

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-After entering the pipe, Lux stops then turns around. He grabs the ends of the pipe then pulls it inward to close it off. As the trio walk down the sewer system, the sounds of water from the impact of their footsteps can heard echoing in many directions, as well as their voices as they speak-

- Ether Mine (Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition)

Looks like we're out, guuuuuys.

We ain't out yet, Klaus. Where to, J?

-Jade looks down the right passageway, then starts walking forward before waving her hand for the two to follow-

This way. Follow me.

Yeah, followin'.

        - Sliver Cloud Prison:
             Sewer System -

-The trio are walking along a narrow, elevated concrete side walk. The smell is as you'd expect. A putrid wave of fecal matter and human fluid all mixed together to create a flowing river of dark water. From the sidewalk, they enter a huge area and step off before curiously looking around. In front of them are four different passages going in different directions.-

Well, this is fuckin' great.

In my adventure experience, four different paths equals eight different paths. Those eight different paths lead to twelve other paths, which circle back to the same place. Oh no, we're never gonna get out of here!

'Ey, we'll be 'ight, Klaus. Red is red and blue is blue.

Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I knew that.

Yeah, you did. Jade?

The one on the far left is where we need to go. It'll lead us outside.

The other paths...Will they lead to me to heaven?

Probably'll lead nowhere. It doesn't matter anyways. We're getting the hell out of here regardless.

Let's keep it movin', then.

-The trio continue on their way through the sewer. It's much bigger than they thought. It's filled with twists and turns, and dead ends that lead to waterfalls that flow into a dark abyss-

-Through many up and downs, the trio eventually make it to a wide and spacious area, which unfortunately for them, doesn't have any concrete to step on to avoid the dirty water. Instead, it's flooded to a near below the waist level. The trio have no choice, one by one they each step into the water, trenching their way forward through the murkiness. Jade makes a light gag sound, following by a noise of disgust-

Oh my fucking god...

Can't take the smell, Jade?

Yeah, excuse me if I don't want to smell like shit.

You're around smelly vaginas all day and this is the shit you wanna complain about? And can't you fly?

Better than being around sweaty dicks. And I'm not using my powers unless I need to. Don't be a dumbass, we need to conserve our stamina.

The fuck does conserve mean?

Oh my god, why do I even talk to you...

If you really think about it, we're all born with the same parts before coming out the vagina.

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