Chapter eight

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Classes start today. I guess I am pretty exited.
I am just really nervous as well.

I got ready this morning and I am now sitting in the class.
It's Huge!
It could probably fit 200 people.

There aren't a lot of people in the class yet and I am just waiting for my professor.

After 5 minutes the class in packed full and my professor stands in the front.

"Good morning, I am professor Drake Christian. You can just call me Drake" he says with a big smile on his face.
He looks really nice.

My class is finally over.
It was so long. I almost fell asleep.
I don't think I will be excited for class again.

I now have an assignment due in a week. I may as well start now.
I walk to a cute little coffee shop nearby and sit down with my laptop.

I am just working and I see someone sitting down in the chair in front of me.

Let me guess who it is...

"Hey darling. What are you doing?"
I was right, it is Dylan.

"Dylan" I nod my head and look in his direction.
I really shouldn't have done that. I don't want to talk to him but he looks so good right now.

His hair is messy and there is a strand hanging on his forehead.
His hair looks wet.
He must have just showered.

"How did you know I was here?"
"Well you see I asked Beth where you were and she said you went to class and them I saw you walking here and I was looking for you so I followed you" He smirks.

"Well I'm sorry I can't talk right now. I have an assignment to finish."
"It is the first day of class. When is it due?"

"It's due in a week but I want to finish it as quick as possible. So please just leave" I don't have the strength to fight with him right now.

"Can I just sit here please?  I won't bother you I promise" He gives me a sweet smile and puppy eyes.

"Fine. If you say one word you leave"
"Yes, yea deal" He settles into his seat and calls the waiter to take his order.

It has been 20 minutes and Dylan still hasn't said anything.
I am really surprised, because usually he is one chatter box.

I am starting to get really bored.
I kind of wish he would say something.

"Mhm" he hums.
"Can you please say something now? It is really boring"

He looks up from his phone and gives me smile.
"I thought you'd never ask" he gives me a wink.

Me and Dylan sat at this coffee shop for about 2 more hours.
I didn't really do any more work though.

He and I actually have a lot in common.
I found out his favourite colour is green, he has a dog at home named Lily.

He showed me a picture and she is so cute! It is a Australian shepherd.
I showed him a picture of my cat, Bones.

He was really nice today.
He wasn't as big of a prick.
I think it might just be because he saw me having a nightmare and just feels sorry.

Although that is probably just me overthinking.
I do that a lot.

When I was done with my assignment me and Dylan walked back to the dorm.

"We should do this more sometime" he says.
"Yeah totally" I give him a smile and close the door as he walks away.

When I sit on my bed I feel that I still have a big smile on my face.

I quickly wipe it of my face.
He is probably going to be a big asshole tomorrow again.

This niceness was just a one time thing.
I couldn't help but wish that he would stay that way.

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