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-Mentions death family member

It was a day after my grandpa died. Today was my schoolday again. I had packed my stuff and I had left the house without even saying goodbye to my mum, she was sleeping the whole day and she hadn't talked anymore. I was sure she didn't need me in her room and I didn't want to wake her up. She was just only depressed and only slept. I was very sad too, but I had to go to school. I had to keep going and she didn't care. He was my best friend too, it made me mad.

My dad was at work till six, so I had no one this whole day long. They weren't the only one being broken, but they only thought about themselves. I was just mad at them. I walked to school and when I arrived there, I looked around me. I hoped Jonny wasn't here, he was always mean to me. He was in my team at volleyball and he always found a reason to bully me. I was just scared of him, I was maybe even taller than him, but I was still very scared of him. He could hurt me so much with words only and he liked doing that a lot too.

I walked in the school and I sat down on a bench, I looked around me again and leaned back. I grabbed a book out of my bag, I liked reading when I felt down and when I had time. I was always reading a little in school whenever I had time. Everyone used to laugh at me, but I didn't mind. I liked reading, it calmed me down. I opened the book and started where I ended. It was really funny and scary at the same time. I giggled a little when I read a funny sentence and kept reading.

Suddenly someone pushed me against the wall and closed my book. He grabbed the book and threw it on the ground. I looked up in shock, it was Jonny. Of course it was Jonny, he was always being mean to me.

'You're such a nerd.'

'I- just like reading.'

'Bye, Clay.'

He grabbed my book and walked away. I sighed a little and grabbed my phone. I hoped I would bring the book back, but when I had waited for ten minutes, I knew he would never come back. I would ask my mum for a new book, but she probably wouldn't let me buy a new one because I lost this one. I felt immediately really sad, but I was already happy enough that he didn't hit me.

I went to my Instagram on my phone and saw I had a followers request, something that was very new for me. I only had three followers. I followed fifty people, most were of my volleyball team and some were from my school. I clicked on the followers request and looked at it in shock. My cheeks heated up immediately.

Georgedavidson03 wants to follow you

George Davidson was probably the most popular guy of my volleyball team and probably even of the whole school. It was probably a joke, but I accepted his friend request. I was just waiting for him to DM me and tell me it was a joke, but instead of that he liked my one picture I had. It was a picture with half of my face with my favourite dog. Unfortunately my dog died a year ago and I wasn't allowed to get a new one. My grandpa had a dog too, but she died two years ago already.

I smiled at my screen, he liked my picture. The most popular guy liked my picture. I blushed a little and smiled brightly, this made my day completely. I forgot all my sorrows and squeezed my hands out of happiness. He just followed me and he liked my picture. I felt a little more confident and I went to his profile, liking his pictures too. I never dared liking them, I was afraid he would get mad at me.

I smiled at my screen and looked up. I saw George and Sapnap walking in the hallway, they were talking about something. I kept looking at George, hoping he would notice me, but he didn't. Just as I thought he wouldn't notice me anymore and he was about to walk around the corner, he turned around. Sapnap didn't notice and kept walking. George looked at me and smiled. I turned completely red and hid my face a little. He followed me, liked my picture, he noticed me and he smiled at me. My day couldn't be ruined anymore.

'I'm going to the toilet, you can go to class already,' I suddenly heard George's sweet voice.

'Okay, dude. See you.'

George walked towards me and he smiled again. He softly tapped my shoulder as he passed by and walked away. I smiled really brightly and looked at my hands shyly. I heard my phone buzz and I opened it, it was Instagram. I opened my Instagram and looked at a comment on my picture.

cant decide whose cuter, u or the dog

probably u tho

I blushed really brightly and felt tears coming up in my eyes. Someone was being sweet to me, a really popular guy was being sweet. I kept smiling and blushing like crazy. After a while George came back and he looked at me. He rubbed through my hair and walked away.

I blinked a few times and felt a tear rolling down my face. He was so nice to me suddenly. Even though it was probably just a joke, he never talked to me, why would he now? Still, I liked the idea and I didn't stop smiling the rest of the day. I came home and screamed in my pillow out of happiness. George was nice to me, he was so popular and he was nice to me. I forgot all my sadness for a little, he followed me and he smiled at me. I couldn't be more happy than I was now.

1024 words

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