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-Death (family member)
-Mentions sickness (cancer)

If this is sensitive for you, I've added a short summary of what happened in the end of the chapter, be free to skip!

I looked up my mother, she was crying. After we got the news, she hadn't stopped crying. Tears streamed down her face, dripping down on the hospital floor. My father had became quiet, not talking at all anymore. We had both been staring at the same stupid spot on the ground.

I was completely broken, but I couldn't cry, I was empty. Completely empty. I felt nothing anymore. My grandpa, my best friend. My best friend I ever had was my grandpa, I loved him with my whole heart and now-. Everything seemed to get taken away from me in just a few minutes. My best friend, my only friend.

'He unfortunately has not longer to live then one week, but I unfortunately have to say that he can pass away every second now. The cancer has spread very quickly and it has spread to his brain. We can't operate him, chemo doesn't work anymore. I'm very sorry, we can't help him anymore. We tried everything we could, but we can't do anything anymore,' the doctor told us. He looked sad, but I knew this would be his hundredth time to bring people this bad news.

I looked at my grandpa, back at the doctor and back to my parents. I knew this was it, I knew this was the moment we had to say goodbye to him. We didn't know how long it would take anymore, I could easily just be over now. I wanted to stand up, but I felt paralysed. My best friend was going to die. I looked up very slowly, every movement seemed so hard. My head felt very heavy, my eyes hurt because I already cried so much when I heard my grandpa had cancer.

My mother stood up and grabbed my grandpa's hand. He was her dad, my mum must also be so broken, I was sure about that. But at the same time, I was too broken to also think about that. I felt selfish, but I just couldn't care for others now. I was too hurt.

I had only just turned seventeen, I didn't want to lose my best friend. I told my grandpa everything, he knew everything about me. He probably knew even more about me than I knew about myself, he was a very wise man. He had taught me so many things, he always made me realise what was good and wrong. When I didn't know anything he taught me about it, when I wasn't sure, he made sure I would know what to do. He was always there for me, whenever I needed him.

I used to go to my grandpa every day, his wife died before I was even born. I never met her, my mother lost her mother at her eighteenth. It had been a very difficult for her, growing up without a mum, and now- now she also lost her dad. I felt horrible for her and I felt selfish for being so broken that I couldn't care for her anymore. Luckily my dad was still here and he looked after her.

I stood up now too, walking slowly to my grandpa's bed. My grandpa grabbed my hand and rubbed over it. He grabbed my shoulders with shaking hands and pulled me closer, whispering in my ear.

'You're amazing, Clay. You will get an amazing future with a beautiful girlfriend.' He paused a little. 'Or a boyfriend,' he whispered even quieter, he was rubbing my shoulder softly and kissed my hand.

I didn't know what he meant with boyfriend, but I left it like that. What was the point in thinking about anything differently than my grandpa dying here? He grabbed a paper from the table next to him and gave it to me. 'I only want you to open this after I'm gone, Clay. There are some things I want you to know, Clay. Do you know how much I love you?'

I nodded slowly. 'Yes, grandpa. I love you too, you mean everything to me. You're my best friend.'

'Clay, you will find someone who is going to make you happy, but Clay. Promise me that even though life is going to be hard, you will fight through it. Promise me. Because I know this is going to be very hard for you, and for everyone, but for you specifically. Please promise you will fight through the pain.'

I swallowed away my tears and nodded slowly.

'Promise me you will keep fighting always, how hard life will be.'

'I promise, grandpa. I promise you,' I whispered, holding his hand tightly.

'Because Clay, I can't promise you this is going to be easy. I'm going to die, you have to let me go, but you can't give up. I don't want to see you before you've turned at least eighty. I want to watch over you, I want to see you grow up.'

I nodded with tears in my eyes. 'I promise, grandpa. I promise that how hard it will be, I won't give up for you.'

'As soon as I'm gone, Clay, open the text I wrote you.'

I nodded. 'I promise, grandpa.'

He looked shortly at my mother and father and talked with them for a while. I held his hand the whole time, I was so heartbroken. My grandpa, I was so close with him. Closer than I had ever been with anyone. I never really had any friends, I never had anyone who really loved me, but my grandpa. He was always there for me. He was the light in my life, the light in the darkest times.

After my grandpa talked to my mum and dad for a while, he turned back to me. He kissed my hand and looked at me.

'You're going to be okay, Clay. Everything will be fine, I promise you-.'

And with that, he breathed his last breath. His eyes rolled away slowly, his grip on my hand loosened a lot and he became completely weak and colder within seconds. That's when I realised what happened. He was dead, my best friend was gone.

1021 words

If you skipped:

Basically Clay's grandpa (his best and only friend) had cancer and wasn't able to heal anymore. After he gave Clay a letter (which Clay could only open after he passed away) his grandpa passed away. Clay promised him to never give up, whatever would happen.

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