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Brett felt that it was about time that he came home to Queensland. He had avoided it for years ever since he started touring because everything that was there reminded him of Eddy. He believed that he is ready to face Eddy now, to come home and let all his sentiments spill out. He was ready to come home to the apartment that he and Eddy used to live in and perform his favorite violin concerto.

Of course, it goes without saying that Brett Yang never fell out of love with Eddy but he had accepted their faith now. On Eddy's Facebook posts, he saw that he now has two children and his mother had died. Leaving him to raise the company with Stephany. They were still happily married.

Brett was going to perform tonight and he was nervous. He wanted to do Eddy's favorite violin concerto justice, especially in his hometown. So, he perfects it.

Eddy sees a post in his Facebook timeline that catches his eye. Brett Yang with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra playing the Sibelius Violin Concerto. Never would he have thought that he'd meet Brett again, that he'd hear him play once more.

How he missed it dearly, and it leaves him reminiscing about the times he heard him practice that same piece, his favorite. How would he play it now? Like all those years ago, or has it changed? Would he play it sweetly, or intensely, or will he play it with a style completely his own? Probably the latter, but however he'll play it, Eddy would listen. Will he stand out from other soloists? Will he change Eddy's choice of its best interpretation?

One thing's for sure and it's that he'll make music, music that lingers in the air, music that stays in the heart, music that burns itself into history. Just pure music and nothing else.

So, here he was. In his best suit that he liked on himself and a bouquet of tulips. Eddy didn't know if his timing was right or wrong but it didn't matter. He was going to apologize to Brett for lying. He was going to tell the truth to Brett by these flowers. Tulips mean the confession of his love.

As soon as he entered the concert hall, he was met by the warmth. Oh, how Eddy missed this place more than his old self.

Brett heard the orchestra was done tuning and the conductor already walked out. It was time for him to play, too. So, he walked out confidently.

Brett was definitely more than Eddy would ever deserve now.

He started tuning and the moment he nodded for a signal to the conductor. The conductor started and the soft string accompaniment of Sibelius was ringing in the air.

Brett played the introduction with the coldness of ice, reflecting Finland and what his heart felt the moment he left Australia. Still, he does not lose his tone and offers all that he can to the audience, hoping that it will reach Eddy.

He was home again and you could hear it by the way he played his double stops. It was like this concerto was expressing his feelings about leaving and coming home again. Those double stops sounded as though they were mourning, crying out for Eddy's name.

Despite Brett's usual deadpan expression, as he was playing these double stops for the second time with much more intensity, he had tears streaming down his face. It was too much but Brett felt all his pent-up emotions leave his body.

Eddy, from the audience, was keeping himself from sobbing. Ever since he found out that Brett was a famous soloist now, he never listened to his interpretations. It was simply too hard as it will remind him of the days when they were together, in the same apartment, with the same feelings and love.

It was good to hear Brett play again.

The concerto starts coming to an end, Brett playing with intense fire and passion. Double stops like there was no tomorrow, perfectly in tune, all in quick succession. The last few runs, pulling through right at the end. Hitting that last high note, an abrupt ending yet it resonates through the hall. The few seconds of silence create tension as Brett comes to a standing position, bowing. A roaring applause comes, as well as a standing ovation. Eddy claps furiously, the widest grin on his face.

Brett walks to the outside of the hall to meet some of the listeners, maybe sign a few autographs if anyone had asked. The hustle and bustle of the crowd didn't stop him from spotting a face he wouldn't fail to recognize. He comes closer, trying to stop his face from showing his own shock.

"Eddy. Never in a million years would I have thought of seeing you again, more so after a concert of mine!"

"Yet here I am. You did absolutely great. I loved it."

Eddy cleared his throat and smiled. He handed Brett the bouquet of tulips.

"Um, these are for you..."

"Thank you, Eddy. I, oh god, don't know what to say but I'm honored that you came down and listened to me play."

"Brett, you were amazing! I always knew you were going to be a soloist. Based on what I've seen, you already have a Strad! And you're much more well-known that I am. Damn, you have surpassed yourself. I know you might not need to hear it from me but I'm so proud of you!"

Brett smiled.

"It was all for you really. I'm just glad to prove to them all that I am much more than they think I am."

Silence filled the air. Brett was on the verge of tears and Eddy was already crying. Eddy had pulled Brett in an embrace and Brett dropped the bouquet at the surprise. He held him back and let the tears flow down.

He was home and he was never going to leave the idea again.

They pulled away and wiped their tears. It had been so long since they've seen each other. They still kept in touch on their social media even if they didn't talk for the past ten years.

Both had a lot of growing up to do.

Brett didn't need to look up what the flowers meant. He knew it all by heart. Tulips mean the confession of love.

"Brett, I'm so sorry... It pained me but I did it for my family. I wish I could have fought for you but I was a coward. I do not know what it means to deserve you now, because I know I don't. And I never did, but here you are."

"Eddy, are you fucking kidding me? I'm too in love with you. I can't imagine myself with someone else and I've forgiven you even if it hurt. It's true what they say. That you cannot get angry if you really love the person. I'm too in love to let you go, but it's too late... I've seen your kids by the way. You've raised them well."

"I've raised them well but I lost the chance of growing old with you. I wanted that. I want that. But I don't deserve you. And you don't deserve someone like me who'll just keep dragging you on and on."

"I want that too, Eddy. So bad. I'm trying to prove myself to you, and now you say that you don't deserve me? So what if you don't? I'd give up the world to spend the rest of my life with you!"

"I don't deserve that, Brett. Do you wanna grow old knowing that the person beside you left you for another? You're a world-renowned soloist and I'm just a businessman. You don't deserve me. I don't deserve you. Not a single bit. You deserve someone worth more than me."

"You're worth everything to me, Eddy. I won't be able to find someone worth more than you because you're everything to me."

"But, Brett, I..."

"Eddy, no. I'm not letting you make the same mistake again. Will you please listen? We deserve each other now, even if you don't think so. Eddy, I know you already love your family and I'm not one to break that up. I would leave the entire world I've built over the last ten years to be with you but you can't. I don't want to wreck your home. I'm home now, and that's all that matters..."

It was a quiet moment but they reconsidered everything. Brett picked up the bouquet from the ground and held it close to him. He was on his tiptoes and gave Eddy a gentle peck on the cheek. Eddy was not able to resist and pulled Brett by the waist to bring him closer.

Their foreheads touched and Brett leaned up to kiss Eddy passionately. He kissed Eddy as if it would be the last time. Eddy was the same and their tears were now being mingled in the kiss. Still, it was the most meaningful kiss they had ever had.

Brett pulled away and caressed Eddy's cheek.

"Eddy, you have to love me for who I am."

Love Me for Who I am - TwoSet Violin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now