Chapter 2

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Brett and I were stacking the last of our own boxes. It was a good idea for us to just move in together since we're going to the same university, anyway. We just had different college courses. 

My family instructed me to become either a businessman or a doctor. As much as I hate to admit it, I would rather be a doctor anytime than actually take over the family business. I hate the thought of becoming a doctor, really. Yet, if it means getting them off of my back then I will do it. 

I'm quite jealous of Brett, actually. He got to pursue what used to be our dream together. He is studying violin performance and I wish I had the courage to do so, too. Then again, I cannot disappoint the family and our public image. 

The apartment that we got was perfect. The main color scheme was grey and white with accents of black. This looks really neat. There are three rooms, one that we both decided to put acoustic panels in so that we could use it as a practice room. I added a piano in the room.

Just seeing the practice room all set up is bringing warmth to my heart. Even if I’m not doing music, this passion will never lose its flame. 

This room just gives me a sense of comfort, a sense of home. The piano makes me reminisce of the times I would play all day and it makes it seem perfect. Even the colors blend well together, and the atmosphere is never heavy. It’s crazy ‘cause I’ve only been here for a few minutes and yet I feel like I have been living here since day one. 

The room even has a balcony, and it just gives me a sense of freedom. I’m out here, gazing into the distance, enjoying my view. Seeing the world just feels liberating.

Stepping outside of the practice room to go to the balcony makes me forget my family's suffocating expectations. It makes me feel like being there just means doing whatever I desire. It's the most beautiful thing. 

Brett and I decorated and furnished the apartment before moving in so it would be easier. I'm glad that we chose this over the others. First, it is secluded and even if you were out on the balcony, no one could see you. The view is also amazing. 

There's nothing much more special about the apartment but it's okay that way. Brett and I just appreciate the fact that we could share an apartment instead of getting separate ones or going in the dormitories. 

Brett was unpacking our stuff as I roamed around the apartment. It was amazing how Brett always treated me like a younger sibling. I really appreciate these small things that he'd do for me without me even asking.

He even helped me with getting girlfriends but sadly, I know none of them will work out.

It’s because I just decided to focus on my studies. My parents even have to approve of her, which felt so manipulative, but I know they have to do it. For their stupid reputation… Besides, I haven’t felt anything right with anyone I’ve dated. It seemed to be two puzzle pieces that fit, but it wasn’t right. It never did, it felt forced. The same manner as you picked a similar piece to the true pair and forced it unto the other. Which wasn’t completely wrong, because I felt forced as well.

But someone has always been there for me at the end of the day, and I’m grateful for that. This apartment makes me feel free, like nothing is chained to me. As though nothing’s pulling me back. Simply knowing someone is there to laugh with me at the end of the day, it reassures me.

It makes me feel thankful that I have someone who's with me for the long run. Someone who is with me because of me and not my last name. I'm glad that I have a friend to lean to, a friend who is simply like a brother to me. 

"Eddy, c'mere I made tea. The day's tiring. You should rest with me." Brett said, coaxing me to come to the living room.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there." I said. 

When I entered the living room, the scent of green tea was in the air. I sit next to Brett and grab the mug from the coffee table. 

"You know me so well. Bro, I love you so much." I said, leaning in more to Brett's body as I took a sip. 

"Don't worry about it. I love you, too."

Love Me for Who I am - TwoSet Violin fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz