Chapter 9

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Their days start off simple, they had the same pattern in living. Only now, they were affectionate and comfortable with each other. They had started dating a few weeks ago and they have now started sleeping on the same bed. They wake up every morning tangled in each other's arms. 

Both had never felt like they had a home where they weren't judged. It was a tiny apartment but it was perfect for them. It was now the home that they had built. Yet, they both know at the back of their minds that it was already their home before even being together. 

So, Brett has a terrific idea that involves their balcony. 

He will set a romantic date only for them to enjoy and forget the problems of the world.

Brett starts planning for their date. He makes a checklist of the things he needs. The balcony seemed perfect with candles, some warm lights, roses, and a small pillow fort. A speaker too, to play their favorite pieces, setting the atmosphere.

Luckily, Eddy wouldn’t come home till evening because of his classes. It bought Brett more time to prepare him for the best date of his life. 

He gets their pillows from the bedroom, as well as some sheets. He tried to make a pillow fort, and it seemed, but it only kept toppling down. He just decided to lay the blanket down and put the pillows on top. It seemed messy, yet comfy.

He finds candles inside his cabinet, then putting them around the pillow fort. Hopefully, the sheets wouldn’t catch on fire. 

He makes a run for the flower shop and gets a handful of roses, as well as a small bouquet of assorted flowers. He picks up the chinese food he ordered, and gets bubble tea along the way.

He sets up the speaker, making Debussy’s music resound in the air. He puts the roses in a vase, and gets the candles and lights them up, surrounding the food. The lights looked beautiful as well, just like the stars. He dresses up, waiting by the balcony. He holds the bouquet in his hands, hearing the sound of their door open.

Brett approached Eddy and slowly led him to their balcony. Brett didn't say anything but just gave him the bouquet. 

"Brett, thank you but what's this for? I didn't forget an occasion, did I?" 

"No. I just wanted to remind you that I really love and appreciate you. This is to thank you for loving me." Brett said as he handed Eddy a glass of really good red wine. 

Eddy took the glass and they both initiated a toast. They sat down and just held each other close, looking up at the stars. 

"To us?" 

"To us."

Everything that night just seemed sweeter and lighter. Everything was forgotten around them.

“This is beautiful, Brett. Thank you.”

“It’s not as beautiful as you, though.” 

Eddy flushed, smiling widely. Brett stares at the sky, a beautiful dark blue, scattered with specks of white here and there. Eddy lays his head on Brett’s shoulder as they gaze into the distance, the harmonies still ringing softly in the air.

Brett held Eddy's hand and asked him to stand up. Eddy followed suit, not really knowing what Brett had concocted in his head. Once they both were standing up, Brett put their interlocked hands up a bit and put his free hand on the younger's waist. 

Eddy, on the other hand, put his free hand on the space between Brett's neck and shoulders. The soft melody of Clair de Lune was playing and they both lightly swayed to the rhythm. 

It couldn't be more perfect than this. Eddy's eyes were illuminated by the moon and the light of it was shining down on his skin. Somewhere at the back of Brett's mind, he was reminded of the fact that he was way too out of Eddy's league. 

But he pushed those thoughts away. This night was supposed to be for them to forget about the world. As soon as the piece was over, Brett leaned in to kiss Eddy. Eddy gracefully kissed back, holding onto Brett tightly. 

They pulled away after a few moments but they were still holding each other close. The night was as perfect as Brett had anticipated. Everything was just going according to plan. He was staring at Eddy who looked so much in peace. 

Brett closed his eyes and thanked the world, the universe, the natural force, the gods or deities out there, whatever it was, Brett was thankful. He never would have thought that he had an opportunity to be with Eddy. 

The night was soon a blur of their bodies just molding perfectly against each other. They were just made for each other and no one could contradict it in the dark of the night. Eddy Chen was Brett Yang's and Brett Yang was Eddy Chen's. That's all that matters this moment. Only they matter for tonight.

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