Chapter 13

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This was a terrible idea, but if it means saving Eddy's family business, he would do it. This business is what kept him alive. So, he was just repaying what he had lived on for his entire life.

So, here he is. In the sharpest suit he had ever made just for him. Across the room from him is his best friend, the love of his life, the man that he cannot marry. He looked so handsome but he wouldn't have minded if he was in a simpler suit as long as he was marrying the man across him.

Still, he cannot change his mind now. Eddy has to marry Stephany, for the sake of his family business. He has no time to think of Brett Yang and how impossibly good he looks in that suit.

Eddy still doesn't understand why Brett remained a best friend. He cannot understand it but maybe Brett was loyal like that. So, the best thing that Eddy can do is pretend that he isn't in love with him anymore the next time they meet each other eye to eye.

For Brett, this was the biggest martyrdom he has ever done. Maybe he isn't lying when he said he would be anything for Eddy. It just sucked that yes, he would be in front of the altar with Eddy but only as a best man. Not as his fiancé or his husband. Just a best friend supporting his bro.

Oh, God, please God, help him get through it without tearing himself down.

"This is it, man. I'm so happy for you. You finally get to seal your fate with the one you love most."

And it isn't me.

"Thanks, Brett. It means a lot to me."

You mean a lot to me.

"If you told me 7 years ago that you would be marrying Stephany, your childhood friend, I wouldn't believe it."

"Me neither. It's unbelievable, man."

"But here we are now."

"Yeah. Here we are."

We, huh? The 'we' that I can never look at again. Because we? Us? Whatever you can use to represent Eddy and I being together, shouldn't exist. Eddy and I aren't together. 'We' will never happen. It's for the best. I should be happy, because it's for Eddy, right? Everything I do is for Eddy, and what I'm doing right now is too. Hopefully, Eddy won't need me to do more anytime soon. He has Stephany now.

Here they were, after a few minutes in the car, in the most beautiful hotel ballroom Brett had ever seen. Of course it would be the best hotel in all of Brisbane, the couple deserve the best.

They left the car and immediately went to the ballroom and stood in the makeshift altar. This is it, Eddy was about to marry and there's no turning back now. Eddy looked around, making sure that everything was perfect.

Brett was just looking at Eddy, almost as though he was still begging for him to stay. Not like he would, but maybe his eyes would be able to speak what he wanted to scream out.

It was never hard to fall in love with Edward Chen. What was hard is the fact that Brett Yang was unlovable. Brett was still begging, begging for mercy, release, for Eddy to stay with him. But who was Brett Yang for Eddy Chen? He was nothing.

Especially in this setting. Eddy was wearing the best suit that was tailored just for him while Brett was wearing a suit that his father wore to his wedding. Eddy was holding the rings on his hands and looked at it with shining eyes. It was the most beautiful set of rings that Brett had ever seen. It could probably pay with his entire student debt with just one of the pairs.

This… These small things are the one that reminded Brett that he was just a regular guy. That he wasn't as rich as the Chen's. Still, his thoughts were cut off when Eddy asked him.

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