Chapter 4

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The Chen family had always been a family of businessmen ever since they arrived in Australia. Their family malls started with merely small shops that sell anything that they think people would like. These small shops have been spread across Australia that slowly, with the right investments, turned into huge malls that are frequented by loyal customers. 

With this, being in this famous family known for the business men, there is a certain expectation for the men to train their sons to become businessmen. Edward Chen is one of these men, since his father is the only man amongst siblings. Only, he does not want to succumb to these expectations, because he only wants one thing. 

To become a musician and if he got lucky, he wants to be a violin soloist.

But you can’t always have what you want, and that was the case with Eddy.

“I want to take-”

“Business, right?” His mother interrupts. 

Maybe there was no point in fighting for music anymore.

“I-I’ll take m-med school.” Eddy stammered, nervous of his parents’ reactions. They didn’t seem to be happy about it, which was saddening, because Eddy already sacrificed what he wanted and he still receives such a response. He swallows his words and decides to make a proposition.

If only his family knew what he has been giving up for them and what he was doing for them.

Eddy clears his throat and breaks the tense silence.

“I’m entering med school and I’m finishing it. But, if you’re that in need of someone, I’ll quit med school and take the position.” There seemed to be no hesitation in his voice, but a fire grew weaker. The fiery pride of his passion turned bleak, but it remained.

He sees the nod of approval from both of his parents, making Eddy feel a small sense of validation.

“Best of luck to you, son.”

Eddy wants to cry or smash something on the wall but he doesn't. He just wants to be loved by his parents and he wants to remain in the family. He swallowed his pride and decided not to act on it. He will only end up lost with a lot of battle scars. 

This was the time where he wished he was as strong as his sister and fought for his love of music. They do say that love conquers all things but nothing could ever replace his family. Even if he hates this family and their expectations for him, he cannot afford to lose it. 

He decided to do it not for him but his sister. His sister was talented and he doesn't want her to be stuck just because he was. He wanted his sister to live on freely. He calms down and reminds himself that this is not for him but for his sister. 

As long as he is with his best friend, Brett Yang, then everything will be alright. He knows it all too well.

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