Chapter 10 (nsfw)

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After finishing a bottle of wine, both of them were a bit sleepy. It wasn't bad, there was a buzzing sensation wrapped around their heads but it was quite grounding and comforting. They weren't the type of men to drink but it is for celebration purposes. And with a little bit of liquid courage, Eddy thinks that he might get away with anything.

Brett had started the kiss, innocent, soft, loving; you could feel Brett's emotions radiate from how their lips waltzed together. Eddy felt a bit bolder and instinctively deepened the kiss. He swiped his tongue across the outline of Brett's lips. Brett moaned at the action, gradually getting closer to Eddy's body. He was shorter so it's easier for the younger man to manhandle the older.

Eddy took the opportunity to grab the back of Brett's thigh and put it up to his waist. Brett followed suit, intoxicated with the taste of Eddy. Eddy tasted like the wine they previously had and a certain type of sweetness that tasted uniquely like Eddy's. Eddy dominated the kiss by allowing his tongue to explore deeper into Brett's mouth. Brett moaned at the sensation, arms wrapped around the nape of Eddy's neck in order to support himself from standing up.

There was no denying that Eddy's kisses could make anyone lose their minds.

Eddy gripped Brett's thigh harder and their crotches touched. Eddy grinded on Brett and the older just submitted. Eddy set Brett down on the blanket and pillows, making sure that he is comfortable. Brett placed his hand on Eddy's shoulders and slowly slid it up down the top button of his shirt and unbuttoned it. Eddy still cannot stop from kissing Brett.

Eddy slipped the top off of his shoulders and pulled off Brett's shirt. They pulled away, in need of oxygen but Eddy used the opportunity to work on Brett's neck. He started peppering soft and almost non-existent kisses on Brett's neck. Brett bared his neck in submission for Eddy. Eddy found this incredibly hot and bit on the skin experimentally.

They both didn't know what they were doing as they were each other's first.

Brett made a different kind of noise, a noise that had pulled Eddy out of the depths of his lust and longing. It awakened something in Eddy that he did not know was alive. Eddy now sucked on the same spot, soothing it with his tongue from time to time. After a while, he pulled away knowing that he had already left Brett marked. Brett on the other hand was just weak in pleasure. The sensations were overbearing but it was strengthened the moment Eddy's lips landed on his nipples.

Eddy lightly did the same things as he did on Brett's neck. He was living for Brett's voice right now and wanted to hear more of it. He moved down, asking Brett to put his hips up so Eddy could remove his black jeans. Brett willingly obeyed, sensations taking over every bit on rationality left in his body. Eddy removed his pants too, leaving them both in their underwear.

"Aren't you glad that it isn't too cold, are you?" Eddy asked, lightly teasing the older man's skin.

"P-please shut up... I-I'm really embarrassed right now..." Brett said, cheeks tinted a beautiful shade of pink.

"Aww, baby, don't. You're beautiful. Are you sure that you're ready for me?" Eddy said, running his hands through Brett's hair.

"Yes, of course, please be gentle with me." Brett said, voice barely a whisper.

"Hold on, Brett. I have to get something to make this easier for us. I'll be back."

After a few moments, Eddy was back with lube. He slowly removed his underwear, kissing Brett again once it was off of his body. Brett gasped when he felt the hardness on top of his clothed member. Eddy once again used this chance to kiss Brett deeper. He pressed his hips down and a groan was muffled by their kiss. Eddy removed Brett's underwear and grabbed the older's hard member.

Brett was not prepared for it but he allowed the pleasure to course through his veins. Eddy took the bottle and coated his first finger, preparing to enter Brett. Brett just opened his legs for Eddy, despite feeling too exposed. Eddy helped him out by putting a pillow under his hips to make Brett comfortable. Once Eddy saw that Brett was more relaxed, he put his digit in slowly.

"Does it hurt?" Eddy asked Brett.

"It just feels foreign but it's okay. You could add another in." Brett said, slowly reassuring Eddy.

Eddy obliged but added lube to his middle finger. He didn't want to hurt Brett. It slid in easily and Brett moaned as Eddy angled his fingers.

"That feels good, p-please focus on that spot..." Brett said slowly.

Eddy was quieter because he was nervous. He did not want to hurt the boy under him. When he felt that Brett was comfortable, he slowly scissored his fingers in Brett. This was just to make sure that he wouldn't hurt Brett once he's the one in. A few minutes later, Brett reassured Eddy that he was prepared. Eddy went in between Brett's legs as he slicked up his member.

He slowly put it in, allowing Brett to adjust to the stretched. He stayed steady even if his hips wanted to rock back and forth. He leaned down to peck Brett's lips, making him less anxious of the situation. He pulled away but their lips are still close together.

"P-please go faster or harder, Eddy... Please!" Brett begged.

"As you wish, my darling." Eddy said, snapping his hips forward.

Eddy wrapped his hand around Brett's hardness and stroked it. He was chasing his orgasm but he wanted Brett to feel good first. As much as he wants to cum now, Brett was still his first priority. Brett was almost screaming at this point but Eddy kissed him to suppress the sounds.

Both couldn't help but think how intimate it is for them. Brett was enclosed in Eddy's body, making him look and seem smaller than usual. Eddy was shielding Brett from the world, Brett's world focusing on the one on top of him. It was a blur and nothing mattered to them.

"E-eddy, I'm- ugh, f-fuck. Please, please..." Brett said, words and thoughts incoherent as he was melting under Eddy's touch. Eddy tried a different angle and it drove Brett to the edge.

"Don't hold back, baby boy. Just let go..." Eddy coaxed the older man.

Eddy felt Brett's release on his hand and Eddy started chasing for his own. Brett felt completely overstimulated by the sensation. Eddy now spilled inside Brett, coming down with a loud moan that was almost a scream. Eddy still thrusted a bit, riding both of their orgasms.

Eddy picked up the tissues that were luckily next to them and cleaned them up properly. Brett could barely move but Eddy doesn't mind. He pulled out of Brett but he was still on top of Brett. Brett pulled him in for a kiss and Eddy simply cannot refuse. He held Brett closer to him.

"Baby, you feel so huge on top of me." Brett said, laughing quietly as he traced Eddy's skin with his fingertips.

"No, you're just small." Eddy said, chuckling.

There was a moment of silence and comfort. Brett's eyes were soft and he looked at Eddy with love.

"I love you." Brett spoke up, brushing his nose lightly against Eddy's neck.

"I love you, too." Eddy mumbled, hugging the older man tighter.

The stars and the moon were shining brighter than they ever had. It goes without saying that Brett was the constant in Eddy's life. Brett was the sun rising in Eddy's east, the breeze that flows through his direction, the water that is essential to his life, the sun that sets on Eddy's west; Brett Yang was simply the one who constantly loves Edward Chen.

It also goes without saying that Eddy Chen was the sense of permanency in Brett's life. Eddy was the memories that cannot be erased from his mind, he was the ever-changing phases of the moon, he was the ground that Brett will always stand on, he is the music that Brett will always create and dedicate his life to; Edward Chen would always be permanently loved by Brett Yang.

Together, they could only be Brett and Eddy. They aren't anyone more or less. Just Brett and Eddy. Brett and Eddy. Them, we, us; Brett and Eddy. Eddy and Brett. It would stay like that as long as the universe decided to swallow everyone up whole.

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