Unsurprisingly, Nole won every round. But at least he was smiling by the end of the session.

Kallistê had won every round by far, though that didn't stop Oberon from admitting defeat. And it certainly hadn't failed to amuse Nolan and I.

Nolan, it seemed, came to the sparring rings more than anyone else—practically lived there, actually. Kallistê shrugged at Oberon's demand and another bench like Nolan's appeared. "I just went ... out," she said, plopping down.

"With whom?" Oberon pushed as Nolan visibly tensed.

Kallistê chuckled. "Last I was aware," she said, leaning back in her chair, "I didn't take orders from you, Oberon. Or report to you. So where I was, and who I was with, is none of your damn concern. Besides, I felt dark magic used against the eastern border and decided to closer inspect the situation. It's why I returned here again today, to remind you to send one of your troops down there."

"You didn't tell Phoebus, either."

I paused, weighing those words, Oberon's stiff shoulders. Yes, there was some tension between him and Kallistê that resulted in that bickering, but ... perhaps ... perhaps Oberon accepted the role of buffer not to keep them apart, but to keep his colleague from losing himself in the hole of guilt he had dug for himself. From losing his friend to the guilt which should have been his.

Oberon finally remembered I'd been standing in front of him, noted the look of understanding on my face, and gave me a warning one in return. Fair enough.

I shrugged and took a moment to set down the daggers and catch my breath. For a heartbeat, I wished Alistair were there if only to see them go head to head. I hadn't heard anything through eavesdropping about the attacks moving closer to my village. I wondered if it would stay that way for much longer.

"Why, exactly," Oberon said to Nolan and Kallistê, not even bothering to sound pleasant, "are you two here?"

Kallistê closed her eyes as she tipped back her head, sunning her golden face. "Phoe is coming in a few moments to give us some news, apparently," her eyes flicked to me, "though maybe not including Eleena. Didn't Nolan tell you?"

"I forgot," Nolan said, still picking at his nails. "I was having too much fun watching Eleena evade Oberon's tried-and-true techniques to get people to do what he wants."

Oberon's brows rose. "You've been here for an hour."

"Oops," Nolan said.

Oberon threw up his hands, "Get off your ass and give me twenty lunges—"

A vicious, unearthly snarl cut him off.

But Phoebus strode out of the hallway, and I couldn't decide if I should be relieved or disappointed that Oberon versus Nolan was put to a sudden stop.

He was in his fine clothes, his claws nowhere in sight. Phoebus look at them, at me, the daggers I'd left in the dirt, and then said, "Sorry to interrupt while things were getting interesting."

"Fortunately for Oberon's balls," Nolan said, nestling back in his bench, "you've arrived at the right time."

Oberon snarled half-heartedly at him.

Phoebus's face remained impassive, and said to none of us in particular, "They're breaking through my wards."

Silence, and then-

Oberon flinched. The entire of Phoebus's court flinched. Kallistê said, "How?"

"I ... I don't know. It was ancient, dark magic which burned its way through the wards—like acid—but it's impossible. Who or what could've gained access to such power and magic?"

The Infernal Crown: Of Roses and LiesWhere stories live. Discover now