XVII:Blood moon 2

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"Well, well, well if it isn't for my dear nephew and his little half breed boyfriend" His uncle smirked "Where's techno?!" George shouted.

"Hey now, no need to rush we've got all the time in the world" He snapped his fingers two of his men walked Techno forward who instantly ran to George.

"Big brother" I looked down to see Techno hugging his brothers leg I was confused as to why he'd give him up so easily.

"Now George I have given you the boy time for my thrown" His uncle was about to step forward when all the sudden he was shocked.

"Welcome my lord" I turned to see Punz walking back to us.

"We won!" I laughed in his uncles face who starred in disgust , "Don't be so sure on that blondie fight just started" His uncle swirled his men attacking the shield.

"The true power of the blood moon" He laughed, we all looked up the bloody moon shining down on us.

The shield began to shatter as more pounded on it eventually getting through.

"Everyone in position gun in hand!" Phil yelled, George took Techno behind the doors as I shot up more of these freaks.

"Now behold the true powers of a purebred" His uncle flew his own men out of his way blasting the door open to grab George.

George hand a sword in hand being able to release himself from his uncles grasp.

"Fight like a real man Uncle" He spit out holding the hand out.

I watched in terror trying to protect myself and his castle before it turns into shambles.

George be careful.

Hi sorry super short chapter I'm really just trying to get this done and over with:}

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