iX: The mask

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"Sapnap!" George yelled as Sapnap flew to his aid.

"Get his mask immediately it'll contain the voices" Sapnap nodded, the voices? A mask?

Techno continued to stair at me fear in his eyes.
"They demand blood, the blood god demands blood" He continued to say as it grew softer.

"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD" He pounced lunging towards me his fangs where sharp. Sapnap came back in the nick of time putting a skull shaped mask onto his head the eyes were glowing red.

"Ahh I see the child has yet to contain his power" The mask started to talk on it's own, my eyes widened.

"I thought you said he was just like you George?" George looked at me.

"The boys blood lust will continue to grow larger and soon those supplements of yours won't work for a god" A god?

"A god?" George sighed than looked back up at me.

"Sapnap fetch the boy and give him twice the amount of supplements" Sapnap nodded and flew to Techno sweeping the little five year old off his feet and into the palace.

"You lied, you said Techno was just like you, you-"

"Dream calm down and let me explain this to you okay?" He interrupted looking around as if someone was out there listening.

"But I think it's best if we go inside" I nodded being the first to start heading to the door.

"Library" I said without turning back, the only place I knew that had some light no windows and absolute privacy.

I walked through the black tinted door kicking the snow off as I walked in, George didn't seem to use any of his abilities to try and out run me, beating me to the room instead he walked along side with me. It was a comforting feeling.

We eventually got there and we took a seat the white L shaped couch. He cleared his throat while flicking his index finger into the air a book flying by my head and onto the coffee table in front of us. The pages flicked until it reached Techno's and what seemed to be their family.

"Is that you and Sapnap?" I asked he nodded taking his goggles off.

"We come from way back" He smiled a delightful smile, all the pain hiding beneath it.

"Are those your parents?" I examined the 2 brunette figures that stood on either side of the three, a beautiful women with skin as clear as silk, her hair flowed like a river, he gets his looks from his mom.

"Your mom's kind of hot" I said out loud causing the leech to his and punch my arm.

"Do you wanna know the story or not? You're choice"

"Yeah okay just hurry with it" He cleared his throat once again this time showing a bigger family portrait.

"When Techno was born our Nona had a strange feeling about him, she told us she heard voices telling her to kill the child and that one day he'd get rid of this world eventually falling into the hands of evil" He paused to flip the page to show Techno, him, his parents, a man and this short old lady. Pff now I know where he gets the height.

"Dream stop I can read your thoughts you aren't slick" He hissed. I put my hands up in defense.

"Sorry now go on" I pointed to the book.

"The man standing on the outside of my dad is my uncle, the reasoning of my parents death" He paused his voice sounded shaky as he continued.

"He wanted power nothing more than to dethrone my dad and his kids in line to take the throne, he swore to either kill or take Techno into his own and that way he'd never die oh but was he wrong, a couple months went by and Techno was able to speak for someone so young he learned quicker than regular babies, one night he woke up screaming me and Sapnap were able to hear it from our room"

"So wait wait hold on the voices are they like?"

"Let me continue and we'll get there" I nodded.

"He kept screaming the voices, they want blood my dad went out to grab our nona who hastily came, she came back with that mask you see now it contains the voices in his head, the voices of previous gods since Techno is a purehybrid he would be considered a god for not only his features but for what his unleashed abilities will bring to this world" He shut the book.

"So that little thing has these voices of gods telling him that mass murder is gonna get them to shut up"

"Yes" he responded sitting up straight.

"So the mask, who did we just speak to?" I asked.

"The true voice of the Blade"

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