"Okay, okay, okay, just relax. Everything's gonna be fine, we can figure this out."

"We can't figure it out, Sharonda! I'm fucked! Everything I wanted is out the window, Marshall's gonna be so angry at me, fuck I'm such a fucking idiot letting myself get pregnant with him!"

"You're not an idiot, you didn't purposefully get pregnant did you? And who cares about Marshall, what's his opinion matter? He has his own baby to worry about it."

I groaned. "His opinion matters because we were kind of like, on the verge of getting back together and I was gonna break up with Devon."

"For Marshall?"

"Well not necessarily for Marshall, more for me, but I guess yeah, by proxy, him as well."

"Have you talked to either of them yet?"

I shook my head. "No, I don't want too. This is what I mean when I say I wanna just leave! I don't wanna talk to either of them, I don't wanna have to break up with Devon, or god forbid stay with him! And I know for a fact how much this is gonna hurt Marshall, and I can't be the one to do that to him, Shar."

"Okay okay, well I get why you feel like that. But you know what Ti, if you're sure it's Devon's, you need to talk to him first, and you are gonna have to talk to Marshall eventually."

"Sharonda I can't do that, no fucking way I can do that."

"You can't just ignore him like that again, Ti."

"I know! And I don't want too! But fuck it's so much easier."

"Just call him when you feel ready, but you need to tell Devon tonight. If you still wanna break up with him then do that, but you need to tell him."

I sighed deeply. "I know... fuck! I fucking hate this, I can't believe this position I'm in Shar! Fuck!" I huffed out an angry breath. "Okay, I gotta go, I'm sure he'll be home anytime."

"Okay, well I love you, Ti. Everyone's coming over tonight so it's probably better to just call me tomorrow and tell me how it went, yeah?"

I sighed again. "Yeah I'll do that. I love you too. Have a good night."

"You too, okay?! Everything's gonna be fine, don't stress out about it."

"I'll try." I mumbled like I didn't believe her. "Bye."

"Bye!" I heard her say right as I took the phone away from my ear and hit the end call button.

After I hung the phone back up, I headed back into the bathroom, threw out the box that the test came in, but kept the test to show Devon. I took it out to the living room and placed it down on the coffee table while I waited for him to get home. I kept pacing back and forth between the living room and the kitchen since I really had no idea what to do with myself right now, and my mind was going a mile a minute. I stopped in front of the pantry, grabbed some cookies and then continued my pacing. 

I paced bath and forth nonstop for about 45 minutes until I started to wonder where the hell Devon was? It was almost 6 o'clock, he's off work at 4:30 usually. It never takes him this long to get home. I decided to call his work and see if he was still there, but they said he left at his usual time. I started getting really worried, and honestly a little pissed off. I mean where the fuck is he?! This is starting to feel like what Marshall used to do to me after Ronnie died. Another 15 minutes later he finally walked through the door. 

"Baby! I'm home!" He yelled as he walked through the door. I immediately bolted towards him from the kitchen, and soon as I saw him, I knew I really just needed a fucking hug. I crashed my body into his and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. He chuckled. "What's up? You miss me or somethin'?"

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