Chapter 22: It's As If They're Stalking Us

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I woke up to a loud banging, oh my god it's like 6:30 I do NOT wanna get up right now!!!! Whatever I'll just try falling back asleep. I grab Ron's hand which was in my hair and cover my ear. I close my eyes and try falling back asleep!




The banging keeps getting closer and closer until the door swings open!

I open my eyes and look up, it's Oliver with a snare drum followed by Chloe with a platter.

"Get up! It's Potter day!!" Ollie screams running out of his room.

"It's also your last full day so we better make it a good one." Chloe adds placing the platter of left over food from yesterday on the bedside table. "Enjoy your food then come downstairs, Harry should be arriving in a few hours." She walks out of the room.

"Do you think he'll bring Ginny?" I look up at Ron.

"Knowing Harry, he'll probably bring the whole family." He giggles.

I smirk, "can you pass me the food please?" I ask him.

He grabs the platter from the nightstand and puts it in the middle of the bed. I grab a little plate with some toast and jam. Along with some bacon and a little bowl of cereal. I spread my jam on my toast while Ron grabs his food.

"What's your favorite flavor of jam?" He asks me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"You heard me, what's your favorite bloody flavor of jam?" He asks me again.

"That's a strange question," I giggle, "grape I guess."

"Grape? Why grape? I myself am more of a strawberry man."

"Well when I was younger my gran would take us to that diner we stopped to eat at a while back, and they have individual little jams. So Riley and I would split them among everyone sitting at the table. She's older so she'd whine to pick first and always got strawberry. I'd always pick grape because it was the most familiar to me. And after a while I realized how much I actually love it, since then it's been my favorite." We both pause, "You're such a weirdo why would you ask that?"

"I was just trying to start a conversation I guess."

"It's too early for conversations!" I say finishing my last piece of bacon and laying back down in bed.

"Ok fine you can lay in bed until I finish my food." Ron says.

"Ok, goodnight" I close my eyes.

Soon enough Ron finishes his food. "Sweet heart get up it's already 7."

"It's still too early!" I whine.

"Alright you win, we can lay in bed for another hour."

And that's exactly what we did, but at 8am Ron gets up. "Come on baby Harry will be arriving soon."

"No I don't wanna!!" I whine again.

"That's it!" Ron says. He walks to the edge of the bed, takes the blanket off of my feet and grabs my ankles, and pulls me to the edge of the bed.

He completely forced me off the bed. "Come on get ready!" He sighs, "I'm going to shower I'll be out soon." He says walking out of our room.

"Wait!" I yell, "Can I come with you?" I plead.

"No, get ready, if you want to shower after me you can." He says closing the door.

I sit on the edge until he comes back with just a towel around his waist.

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