Chapter 10: Welcome Home

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The next two days were pretty much the same as earlier in the week. Dates with Ron, quidditch, lots and lots of talking, wizards chess... and sex with Ron of course.

I won for the first time last night, but I think he let me win.

This was the happiest I've ever been. I can't even explain how much happiness I have from The Weasley family. They're the most wonderful family I've ever met.

But I think Molly and Arthur are kind of clueless because even after they figured out Ron and I were together, they still let us sleep in the same bed. I'm not complaining though because that was great, not just the sex, but just sleeping with him next to me.

I woke up this morning and thought "today's the day, I'm moving in,it better be good." I wake up, tripping over Ron's shirt on the floor, I fall and let out a small yell waking up Ron.

He jumps out of bed and with his eyes still closed he grabs his wand and says "I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE DON'T TOUCH HER!"

I laugh and he opens his eyes.

"Oh it's just you," he sighs.

"Scared much?" I say.

"You don't know what I've been through," he chuckles.

We go down to get breakfast, but we ended up being the first ones down there. So we make everyone omelets and bring them to their rooms.

We started with the girls because we knew they wouldn't be as cranky as the twins and Harry. We walk in and hand each of the girls their omelets.

"Thanks you guys I really appreciate the whole, breakfast in bed type of thing." Riley says.

"You're welcome, but we've got the boys to get to." Ron says

"Good luck,"Ginny waves us off as we leave the room

"Thanks," we say laughing as we leave the room.

Next, we go to the boys room. We open the door and yell "WAKE UP BREAKFASTS READY!" In unison.

The boys did not enjoy it. Harry threw a pillow at us, Fred threw George's wand, and George tried throwing Fred, but failed.

Harry was the only one to thank us, the boys groaned as we handed them their food and left the room.

Next we were going to Arthur and Molly's room, we knocked on the door of course. Molly was already out of bed and getting ready for her day while Arthur was reading the prophet in bed.

"Thank you darlings, y/n, are you packed yet? We must leave soon," Molly asks

"I tried packing most of my stuff yesterday, I'm almost done."

"Wonderful, and how about your sister?"

"To be honest, I doubt she's even started packing knowing her." I reply

"Oh, well that's okay, she has Ginny and Hermione in her room to help her. Well thank you both for the breakfast, it wasn't necessary, but thank you." She gives us a soft smile as we leave the room.

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