Chapter 12: Hurry Home

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That night all of the kids had a small party at my house because mom stopped caring when dad left.

We stayed in the basement  most of the night , played games, danced, and got really drunk. The next morning I woke up to a loud bang.

Fred fell down the stairs and started cackling. I'm pretty sure he was still drunk. It was so loud, I had a pounding headache.

I realized I was laying on Ron's chest, so I turned over and buried my face into his shirt.

I didn't not want to get up!

"Uuuuggghhh what time is it?" I whine

"11:30" Ron says, checking his watch and whining.

I look over to the right and see Riley and George half asleep on the couch. I look to my left and see Harry and Ginny cuddling in the corner as if they've been up for hours.

"Good morning!" Ginny says with a bright smile.

"I'm guessing she finally got with Harry." I say to Ron, he laughs.

"Where's Hermione?" He says to no one in particular

"Hermione's upstairs making us breakfast!" Harry responds with a bigger smile than Ginny.

"Honestly I can't tell who's happier, Ginny or Harry" Ron giggles, I laugh back.

I look around and realize this is the happiest I've been on a while. I've finally found my people, my happy place.

To be honest, I don't want to go back to America, but Ron does and I'll do it to make him happy.

"Come on let's get up," I say to Ron, "We've got a big day." I stand up forgetting how hung over I am, I fall back onto Ron.

He catches me, and laughs, "you better sober up, we've got a big day," he mocks me.

I stand back up, slowly, and begin to walk up the stairs.

Once I make it up the stairs I see Hermione. She's a pretty responsible drinker, she stopped after about a glass and a half.

"Good morning!" She says with a smile "here's some breakfast, once you're done I'll help you pack."

"No!" I yell giving myself an even bigger headache. "I think Ron and I can pack ourselves, thanks though."

After breakfast everyone goes back to the burrow except Ron,Riley,George, and I.

George waited for Riley to finish getting ready, she did her hair, washed her face, layed in bed for about another hour, and then was finally ready to leave.

Then it was just me and Ron, we turned on our favorite music in my room, and started packing my things.

"Hold on! I'll be right back!" Ron yells as he sprints out of my room with something in his hands.

He's gone for about 2 minutes, I keep folding clothes. Ron then enters back into the room.

He turns off the stario and says, "turn around darling," and I do so.

I turn around and see Ron in a pair of my old booty shorts and a bright red bra. He turns the music around and begins dancing around my room.

"What the hell are you doing?" I giggle

He ignores me and keeps dancing, getting closer and closer. I begin to burst out laughing hysterically and fall to the floor.

We laugh for a while and he gets changed. "How do you think of these things Ronald?" I ask him

"Honestly I have no idea, I think a little bit of Fred and George comes out." He says with a smile.

Once we calm down we finish packing and bring my stuff to the burrow.

"Hello darlings, are you hungry?" Molly asks us.

"No thanks Mum, we're going to go finish packing my things, maybe afterward." Ron answers her

I could tell how excited he was. I on the other hand, not as excited. I keep worrying about what could happen. You never know with the people I used to have around.

We turn on music again, and begin packing his things. Soon the boys join us, but they're no help.

They stood on one side of the room and sang along to the music.

"Are you boys going to help? Or are you going to just stand there and make fools of yourselves?" I ask, only partially joking.

"Sorry ma'am," Harry answers.

I'd begun to think he was a little afraid of me, I do act a lot like Molly.

"Harry she's not your mum, you don't have to listen to everything she says," George says with sass

I stick my tongue out at George,like a child. He sticks his tongue out at me as a response.

Ron rolls his eyes "why can't you two just get along?"

"Because he's dating my sister! What do you want me to do completely except him?" I respond.

"I just do it because it's fun!" He adds with a smile.

I roll my eyes.

The boys stayed in their corner until they got bored, then they left and went to annoy the girls.

We soon finished packing, and at the perfect time. It was about 6pm and I was starving. I hadn't eaten lunch, and I was ready for some of Molly's delicious food.

That's one of the things I'll miss the most while in America, her food is the best I've ever tasted.

"Molly, once we get back from our trip you have to start teaching me to cook like you!" I exclaim.

"Of course darling, I'd be happy to!" She smiles.

About an hour, 3 servings, and 2 awkward conversations later, it was time for Ron and I to head on our way.

We grabbed everything and sent it to my grandparents home in muggle America where is where we'll be staying our first week.

We decided to travel by portkey part of the way until we get to the muggle world. Then we'll take the knight bus.

Ron didn't believe we had one in America, but we do. "You know, it's pretty much the same just in a different time zone with different accents" I explain to him.

He still doesn't understand.

"We must be going," Ron says to his parents and my mother.

Molly calls everyone down for a photo and to say their goodbyes.

We say goodbye to everyone and give everyone hugs.

"Goodbye for now sweetheart", Molly says, "I'll miss you, hurry home." She plants a kiss on my cheek.

We great the port key, and from there, we're off.


This chapter was more of a filler chapter between us planning the trip and getting there. But I think it honestly turned out pretty well.

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