Chapter 20: 1 million daisies

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I wake up alone, I roll over to see a white daisy, on Ron's pillow, my favorite. I get out of bed and see a trail of daisies leading towards the stairs. I sprint down the stairs.

The trail makes a turn into the kitchen where I find a freshly made iced coffee and a note. Take your jar and follow the daisy path for another surprise ;)

It read. I guess Fred and George aren't the only ones who write notes. I keep following the path until I get to a bush with a box of chocolates on top of it along with another note. You're almost there, keep following the path for your biggest surprise yet.

A smile rose upon my face. I keep following the daisy path until I get to a plain field, unlike the kinda grassy field from mine and Ron's first time. This one was more flat and peaceful while the other one had much taller grass and cat tails everywhere.

In the middle of the field I see Ron sitting at a picnic table with a light blue table cloth. The table seems to be full of different wonderful breakfast foods including pancakes, eggs, scones, waffles, and many more, along with a bouquet of daisies.

I run over to him, still in my Led Zeppelin t-shirt and running shorts that I slept in.

"Ron you did all of those for me?"

"Of course my love," he says getting up. "Happy one month baby girl" he says as he hugs me and kisses me on the forehead.

"Now, let's eat, before Ollie gets out here and eats it all for himself." He adds. I chuckle as I fill my plate with different breakfast foods.

"I made a special batch of American biscuits and gravy from Chloe's recipe, she told me they were your favorite."

"They are, thank you Ronald." I say filling my plate.

Ron smirks, "you know you're the only one I let call me Ronald besides Mum."

"Really why is that?" I ask

"Because I hate it, she says it when she's being stern or when she's yelling at me. But when you say it, it sounds beautiful."

I smile at him. "You know this wasn't necessary Ron, you could've just given me a kiss and I would've been so happy for our anniversary."

"I know, but I want to do something special for you, I love you y/n"

"I love you too Ronald."

We finish eating and take a walk around the field.As we walk around I pick up the daisies from the ground.

"How did you know they were my favorite, the daisies?"

"Chloe. The amount of stuff she knows about you is astonishing."

"Well she has been my best friend for like 8 years now."

We finish our walk and go back to the picnic table. We pick up all of the food that was left and walk back to the house. I pick up as many daisies as I can,there must have been hundreds of them.

Once we walk in the front door, "CHLOE! OLLIE! WE HAVE LEFT OVER FOOD FOR YOU!"

Ollie appears out of who knows where. Since he's gotten that invisibility cloak for his 13th birthday you never know where he is.

"Pancakes and strawberry syrup?" He points at the box Ron is holding.

"Yes," Ron replies.

"I'll take that thank you very much,"Ollie says disappearing back under his invisibility cloak.

"You know Harry's dad left him one of those when he died." Ron exclaims around the room not knowing where Ollie went.

"Really??" Do you think he'll sign the inside of my cloak??" Ollie jumps with joy.

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