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Best arc in my opinion


Hanako or now Amane as he would call himself in the fake world,sat at the desk behind Yashiro. He had put together a fake world with the help of school mystery number four,all for Yashiro's sake. "Good morning!" The daikon girl exclaimed rushing into the familiar classroom,her hair was a mess indicating she had just woken up not a moment ago. "Good morning Nene-Chan. The teachers not here yet." Aoi informed her best friend,Yashiro made small talk with the purple haired girl for a moment before walking over to her desk and sitting down.

"Wow Yashiro. You're hair is such a mess." Amane smirked as the girl jumped,she knew this voice. She turned around"good morning." Amane wore the classic male school uniform,he leaned on his hand while he smiled towards the girl. "H-Huh?" It took her but only a moment to realize that the ghost boy was in her class. "HANAKO-KUN?!"She yells causing the room to go silent"I-It's Amane though?" She placed a knee on his desk and leaned forward,her hands touched his upper body,surprised he was warm. "Why are you here?! Shouldn't you be in the bathroom?!" Amane giggled at her touch"huh?" She hums as her hand stays on his chest"my hand doesn't go through?"

"You're drawing a lot of attention..."the boy trails off uncomfortably. "Nene-Chan..."


Aoi giggles and walks over to Amane"you're so close with Yugi-kun. Not as close as L/N though...seems someone got jealous~." Amane played with his fingers"about that..."he trails off glancing at the door. L/N? As in Y/N? Impossible. Amane's mind was racing to say the least,what the h*ll was going on recently? He would have to ask Tsuchigomori once they got out of here,if anything he'd know. "What's up with Yashiro?" A familiar orange haired boy asks approaching the desk"A-Akane!"

"Oh Yugi,I brought that book you wanted." Amane smiled and took the book with a 'thank you'.

"Amane!" A familiar voice rang through the classroom,Amane looked up to see Y/N running towards him. Amane tried his best to stay calm,hopefully it worked. She still looked the same as the last he saw her,the day before he died. "Y-Y/N! Hi!" Y/N smiled,Amane's 'heart' fluttered as his cheeks burned. "Good morning." She smiles"m-morning." He stutters out. "Don't you think Aoi and Akane are cute,Amane?" Y/N asks setting her bag down on top of her desk. "Huh?" She nods"yep. I would give anything in the world to be in a relationship like that." She admits with a small blush on her face.

"Don't you think so to Yashiro?!" Amane exclaims making the girl jump"those two-they're super close right?" Amane asks pointing to Aoi and Akane.


"Yashiro,are you ok?" Y/N asks in worry. "Get away from me!" She exclaims extending her arms to create some distance"I don't know what you're up to,but I won't be fooled! Is this fake?! I'll find out what's really going on." Yashiro growls"what're you talking about?" Y/N asks confused"and you as well,Hanako-kun mentioned you,are you that Y/N?!" Yashiro was looking at girl up and down,almost studying her.

"I have no idea who Hanako-kun is..."

"Yashiro,your hair is still a mess."


While the day went on Amane couldn't help but keep his eyes glued on Y/N. What the h*ll was No.4 up to? How does she know of Y/N? How does she know their connection to one another? Amane was confused...really confused. He felt uneasy as well. Maybe it was the fact that No.4 somehow knew what his childhood crush and best friend looked like,or the fact she was 'here'. He wasn't sure. Either way,he didn't like it.

Lunchtime had rolled around and Yashiro through salt onto the poor boy. "Begins evil spirit!" She yells"uh..."Amane trails off enduring the pain. "Yashiro,stop bullying Amane. He hasn't done anything wrong." That had struck a nerve in the boy,he didn't let it show though. "What is wrong with you today?!" Amane finally groaned as he shook the salt out of hair to best of his ability.


Amane sighed and walked over to the window sill,he draped his body over it. "Yashiro...you really don't like me,huh?" Yashiro came out her thoughts and immediately apologized.

"It's fine. Don't bother."

"I mean it! I don't dislike you!"

"You don't dislike me?"


Amane turned towards the girl"so do you like me?"

"Yes!" The girl the realized what she said and blushed madly"hmmm?" Amane smirked"well in that case." He tug into his pockets and pulled out two movie tickets"I got two tickets. My brother doesn't like the movie theater and you like these types of things,right? If you don't dislike me then,will you go?...this Sunday."

"Um...by any chance,would this be a date?"

"Am I asking you on a date...?" He ponders aloud before nodding"yes. That's so." He then places the ticket into her hands"consider it...BYE!" He yells rushing out the classroom door and heading towards the tower.

He had many question for Shijima,the most important question to him was 'how do you know of Y/N?' Skipping class was the farthest thing from his mind,he needed answers from the creator of this world himself.

"Shijima!" He yells opening her tower doors"come out! I need to speak with you." In a less than a second,the girl appeared. "Oh,lord no.7,what brings you here?" The brown haired girl wonders"how the h*ll do you know who Y/N is? Where did you hear her from? Why is she here?"

The girl blinked"oh,I see...this is what this is about." She pushes up her glasses"Y/N L/N..."she trails off"I was told about her through a ghost who wishes to remain unnamed. They told me all about her,from where she was born,to her school and daily life up until the day they passed over to the far shore." He knew who this 'unnamed ghost' referred to,he decided to keep it to himself however.

"I didn't want her to be here though."

"As I recall lord no.7,this was a world created for Yashiro Nene,the girl who is meant to die soon. Why not bring back your lover? I know you miss her...you didn't get to tell her 'sorry' or that you loved her. But you cannot though!" She smiles"isn't this great?" He glares at her"no,it's not. Delete her. Now."

The girl sighed"of course lord no.7...but don't say I didn't warn you." Shijima took out her notebook and ripped up the page. "There. She's gone. Now please do run along,I must get back to drawing." Amane left,satisfied with a few things answered.

When Amane went back into the room,Yashiro was frozen in fear as the others seemed to shrug off the 'horror'. Amane internally sighed and thanked Shijima that she was now gone.

He might've wanted to see her again,but not this way.

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