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"Study camp! Study camp!" Y/N cheers pumping her fist into the air as we march our way towards the school. "Are you two excited?" Y/N hums spinning around on her heel to face us"not really." I hum"huh?! Why not?!" Tsukasa nods"I am!" Y/N smiles"that's great! But-"she glares at me as she crosses her arms"why not you?" I shrug"I just don't want to be at school,simple." She huffs"you're boring." I roll my eyes"oh right,I heard a rumor that the shinigami will come out and kill someone tonight~." She says moving her fingers up in down to add the 'scariness' to her conversation. "That's stupid." I say"ghosts arent real. So therefore the shinigami isn't real." Her eyes widened before she crosses her arms and looks the other way"well if you die,that's on you. But just remember,I told you so."


"What do you think we'll do?" Tsukasa asks changing the subject"not sure. Hopefully nothing school related,I don't think I could handle that." She admits"oh that's right,doesn't summer break start tomorrow?" I ask as Y/N nods"yep. What are your plans?" She asks the two of us"I want to do nothing! School has been killing me!" He admits"maybe me and Amane-"he looks to me,a smirk on his face"will become closer?" I freeze up and stop walking"aren't you two already close en-Amane?" I didn't say a word,Tsukasa glared at me. "What's wrong Amane~?" I shook my head"sorry. Nothing,I was just thinking. It's fine." Y/N nods,not satisfied with my answer but let's it slide anyways.

"How about you Amane?" I shrug"n-not sure. And you?" She sighs"my moms forcing me and Kairy to go to America with her for a few weeks." She sounded really bummed out about it"you don't want to go?" Y/N shakes her head"no. But apparently my mom's job needs her over there. It's so stupid! Ugh!" Y/N yells picking up a rock and throwing it as it bounces off the concrete into the grass. "How do you know you won't like it?" I hum"I just won't. Trust me. I don't like change." She simply says"I begged her to let me stay here,but she refused saying the time zones were the problem."

We finally arrived at the school to see people filtering into the school. "Woah,there's a lot of people here!" Y/N exclaims,her eyes wide as she looks at the students. "It's weird not seeing them in the uniforms." Tsukasa speaks up making Y/N nod"yea...let's head inside." And so we did.

Once inside they told us to make our way outside towards the schools garden. When we walked out there,there were groups of people together. "Hi welcome to the study camp! Are you three first years?" A older girl asked as we nod"perfect. Your names?" We each told her out names as she read the list"ah,perfect." She crosses off our names"L/N you'll be in group C,Yugi Tsukasa group A and Yugi Amane in group E." We nod and she wishes us a good study camp.

"Seems this is where we part ways." Y/N says"seems so." Tsukasa frowned"but I don't wanna leave Amane!" He exclaims with a pout"I-it's ok Tsukasa! I-It's just for the n-night!" I stutter out as he frowns. I knew what he was trying to do,or rather what he was doing. He wanted to be in my group to keep me in check,to lash out on me. "Maybe you can go ask our senpais?" Y/N suggests as Tsukasa smiles"great idea!" He then runs off"you're brother really loves you,huh?" I nod slowly,knowing it was no longer the truth. "Well,see ya Amane. Try and make a friend while you're here,god knows you need it." She teases me with a wave as she walks away towards her group.

I sighed and headed towards mine.

In my group were three people so far,a girl with blue hair and blue eyes,a boy with dark green hair and red eyes and another girl with blonde hair thrown up into a pony tail with glistening blue eyes. "Oh hello,welcome to group E." The boy welcomes me"do you know how many there will be?" I asked"no clue." The blue haired girl hums"should we introduce ourselves?" The blonde suggests"sure." The blonde smirks and points to herself"I am Violet Minamoto!" She then placed her hands on her hips"pleasure to meet you."

"Like the Minamoto clan?" The boy asks"no." She sweat drops"just because we look alike and share a last name doesn't mean we're related,geez." She seemed slightly offended. The boy then speaks up"Rin Miyamura." The blue haired girl goes next"Nekomura Ryo."

"You have a boys name." Violet points out"you don't think I know that?" She growls"so then you?" I tell them my name as Rin speaks up"you're the one who gets bullied often." I nod shyly"don't worry! I won't let anyone hurt you Yugi!" Violet smiles brightly at me as I mutter a 'thanks'.

The study camp had started not long before the sun had began to set. We made dinner with each other,and then basket weaving and a few other 'fun' activities.

For once in my life I could say I had fun at school.

Early Sunsets Over Monroeville(Amane Yugi X Reader)-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now