Chapter 12

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Well, today is the day. You all finally get to know what Izuku's quirk is. Hopefully I've kept you guys dying to know it. Let me know if I've achieved this goal. Anyways, little talks like this are going to happen more often. For now, enjoy the story!

Izuku's POV

As soon as Dr Higgins heard the noise, he smiled. When I heard it, my heart sank. The word 'Quirkless' rang over and over in my head. I already know what the result is going to be. He's going to tell me that I'm quirkless. Once he does, he'll have the same look the others did. One of disgust and hatred. The look that will haunt you for the rest of your life; letting you know that you're the lowest of the low. A no-good freak of nature that's only use is as a physical and emotional punching bag for the more fortunate.

But I'm more scared about what Dad's going to do once he finds out. One he finds out that I'm useless, he'll probably throw me out like all the others. I don't want that to happen. I shook my head. 'No! Dad would never do that... Would he?' As I sat there pondering my fate the doctor came back in with the results... and a shocked expression on his face, but it quickly turned into a smile. Dread filled my body as he sat down to talk to us about it.

"Well, the results say that he's in good health. Organs, heart and lungs are in sync with the state of his physique. His spine shows good posture and his body shows no signs of malnutrition or dehydration." He started. Dad nodded "That's great! I'm glad that he's in good health. Also, the posture thing shows me that you've finally fixed that old habit of yours huh Izuku!" Dad replied, smiling. I nodded sheepishly, slightly embarrassed. I used to have a really bad habit of slouching over my food to eat it when dad wasn't watching. I have no clue why I did, but I did nonetheless. "Moving on, it's safe to say that..." 'Here it comes. He's about to break it to me that I'm quirkle-' "He has an amazingly strong quirk!" 'WHAT?!?' I thought, befuddled the predicament before me. I have a quirk?!? No, this must be a joke. A sick, no a cruel joke.

"That's impossible! I'm quirkless! Have been my entire life! The previous Quirk Doctor said so!" I responded. They both looked at me with shock and confusion. After a moment, the doctor spoke up. "Well the results say otherwise. The previous doctor must've messed up or accidently swapped your results with someone else's." I started to tear up. I had a quirk. I actually had a quirk! They both looked at me with soft smiles as the tears of joy slowly trickled down my face. "Doctor Higgins, could you please continue?" Dad asked. I just turned my head and stared at him, giving him my full attention. The doctor chuckled at my antics and looked at the results. "This quirk is not only strong but the concept of it is simply unheard of!" The doctor exclaimed, which got me much more excited.

 "This quirk is not only strong but the concept of it is simply unheard of!" The doctor exclaimed, which got me much more excited

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Imagine him doing this but in a chair

"Your quirk gives you different temporary quirks based on your emotions. The stronger the emotion is, the stronger the quirk you gain is. However, there is another aspect to this quirk. One that's dangerous." The doctor warned. The mood in the room got serious very quickly. I could even see slight sweat on All Might's forehead. "You should only tell this side of your quirk to the most trusted people in your life. You see, based on the intensity of the emotion the temporary quirk you gain as a result can become permanent. So All Might, I suggest you do the best you can to keep the true nature of your son's quirk from getting out to public. I'd hate to imagine the lengths that some people would go to to gain that kind of power." The doctor shivered. "Now that the bombshell's dropped, let's get on to some... less serious matters. Like what the little guy's quirk should be named!" The mood changed in an instant, almost as if the seriousness of the situation beforehand was but a dream. I started brainstorming about a name for my quirk. I thought about how my quirk allows me to manifest different quirks to suit my needs. Wait, manifest abilities? That's it! I'll call my quirk Manifest!

"Got it. I'll put your quirk down as Manifest." The doctor replied. I put my hands over my mouth. Did I really just mutter all of that aloud?!? I thought I had stopped doing that!! "I'm only going to put down half of the information on Izuku's quirk in the database. I hope you agree that putting down the more sensitive information in the database would be bad. Especially if someone were to hack into it." The doctor told us, and we both agreed. It was way too risky to put it on the internet.

After we left the Quirk Office, we got in the car to drive home. The sun was setting and we were tired and ready to sleep. However...

All Might was thinking about something...

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