Ch. 14: Back to work... again

Start from the beginning

            “Of course you are," he said, "Why don't you want to?"

"Because it's only three days until the end, and I really don't remember the set... and the band is so use to not playing for me for four weeks..."

            “They still been practicing, just in case," Joe said, " but it's up to you. Not gonna force you."

            “Maybe we should go talk to dad?" Nick asked.

            Alex made her ugly face, "I really don't want to face mom and dad right now.  Not after last night."

            “It's totally up to you Alex," Joe said, "We'll figure it out."

            “Why don't you boys go talk to dad and see what he says," Derek suggested.

            "Alright," Nick said and off they went.

            "I really don't think I should sing. I mean that's a lot of work for my jaw Derek."

            “Alright," he said, “It's whatever you feel up to."

            “Maybe I could go out and sing with Nick or some other songs."

            “You could," he said, "Baby, I can't tell you what to do or choose for you. It's up to you."

            "I know. I know that the fans have all been told that I'm back and surprised the boys."

            "Then do whatever you feel is right, honey," Derek said, kissing her lips.

            She kissed back.

            “Now, let's go get something to eat," he said, "I'm starving and I'm hoping they have breakfast."

            “I think there is breakfast around here some where," she smiled and calls Rob to check in and ask.


            Joe and Nick walked into their dressing room and looked around for their dad. They spotted Paul in the back of the room and walked over to him.

            "Hey dad," Nick said, "Can we ask you something?"

            "Sure boys, what's up?" he asked smiling at them.

            "What are we gonna do about Alex?" Joe asked, "I mean as far as her and the show?"

            "Well," Paul said, "As much as I'd love for Alex to go back to normal, we only have a few days. Trying to redo the whole set is just unreasonable, and kinda not do able right now. I mean she's welcome to join in on a couple songs, she has time to rehearse, but it's just not possible to go back to normal these last few dates."

            "We would like her to do some songs with us.  Like old times.  Hey, could we do one song of hers at least?" Joe asked.

            "You'd have to figure out what song of yours to cut," he said, "the time just isn’t there, we're already pretty tight."

            Nick looks at Joe.  "Let's go get Kevin, and the band.  I think if we do this as a band, it would work out, everything."

            “You better check with Alex," he said, "Last we knew she wanted to go home, you better make sure she's up for it."

            "Alex wanted to go home?" Dad asked in shock.

            "Yeah she felt like you guys were angry with her about being gone, than you were happy she was back," Joe said.

Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now