"Mister Wonderhauding has offered to grant you a lift to the event . The ride will be outside the college."she explains with a dead facial expression as her eyes roam down the book in her hands.

"Thank you Dorothia ."Vincent thanks and let's go of my hand , finally.

I instantly pull my hand to my chest as the blood rushes back , causing pins and needles from the iron grip Vincent had on me .

It's like he has more than one personality. His mood changes in a matter of seconds. He's too unpredictable.

"Have a day off Dorothia . "Vincent calls as his head turns to look at her.
"I need alone time with my new student. "He says with a smile .

Dorothy's eyes widen as her thin lips almost pull into a smile as her eyes move from between Vincent and I .
"Thank you sir. I'll get all my work done before tomorrow morning. "She bows her head and takes off in the direction of the main building.

What would she be doing there?

"Now I have a question for you ."he grabs my arm and turns me to face him . I stare up at him with wide eyes in fear for his next move.
"What's your name?" He asks.


Oh...I must've forgotten to introduce myself...I presume it's because I already knew him before we met.

"Lorain."I spit and pull my arm away, causing a wide smile to spread across his face.

He had the audacity to treat me the way he did without even knowing my name? What's wrong with him?

"You're quite moody today Love."he taunts and begins walking towards the side walk.

"I'm not going to be happy after what you did yesterday. "I snap as I follow behind him .

If I don't control what comes out my mouth ...he might...

"That's why I like you !"he laughs and looks around the road . "Even after yesterday you still can't help but open that big mouth of your's . You're going to be quite the entertainment!"

I hate how unpredictable he is ! I don't feel scared now that I've gotten away with talking but I know for a fact he can hurt me without a second thought .

How am I supposed to act?

"Darling "he coos.

My head snaps up to see Vincent sitting in a black car with his hand patting the seat beside him . The driver eyes me suspiciously as I climb in next to Vincent .

Does the driver not like me?
Did I do anything to offend him without knowing ?

"Calm down Darling ."Vincent chuckles and rests his hand on my thigh , just above the knee . "It will be just a short visit to give my thanks to the beautiful-" he looks at the back of the driver's head with a smirk "clients who bought my paintings yesterday. "

"Don't touch my thigh ."I say through gritted teeth and push his hand away .

"Perfectly understandable my dear ."he nods and rests his hand on his own lap.

He's acting like the first night I spoke to him . Maybe yesterday he was
just... in a bad mood ?

"Vincent ."I call loudly to try and be heard over the loud honking of the cars in the street .

"Yes L-Darling ."

"I was wondering ...how will I study and complete assignments when I'm with you ?" This has been a question in the back of my mind but I haven't dwelled on it as I've been fearing Vincent instead. However it seems as if today I'll get away with no bruises from him.

"I personally know the principle and he has granted you permission to hand in assignments late , however exams are still the same "he explains and grins down at my shocked expression
"Worry not Darling . I'll allow you time to yourself every so often ."

Wow.. thanks.

The car comes to a stop in front of a beautiful hotel with stones on the walls instead of bricks, giving it an old aesthetic . I slip out the car behind Vincent and he holds his arm out as the car drives off .

I glare at his request for me to hold him which earns a chuckles from Vincent . "These people will tear you to shreds . This is the only way they won't get close enough to claw your eyes out."

These are most likely people who are huge fans of Vincent and want nothing more than him . Seeing me by his side would surely cause some disruption. "Fine."I sigh and hold onto his arm .

We walk into the hotel , doormen bowing and inviting us inside.

"The event is being held in the main hall ."they both say in unison .

"Thank you ." I say after feeling bad that Vincent ignored the poor men doing their jobs .

"This is where we'll be staying for the weekend before we travel to the main city."Vincent announces just before pushing the two doors leading to the main hall open .


"Vincent-" I get cut off when the sound of the doors opening booms throughout the hall . Everyone turns to look at us, champagne and other assorted snacks in their hands .

That damn man ! He purposely told me about the arrangements now so that I can't object!

"Vincent!" An old man laughs and wipes his mouth with a handkerchief, his belly wobbling as he walks towards us . "I love your latest series . I bought one , did you know?" He asks and grabs Vincent's hand and shakes it vigorously.

Vincent's expression turns sour before forcing a crooked smile on his face."Why yes I did Mister Gunther."he nervously laughs and grabs my arm and pulls me in front of him , my face right in front of this ...Mister Gunther .
"This is my current student , Lorain . "

The man eyes me down suspiciously and wraps his hand around my face and moves my head from side to side .
"Quite a healthy one she is , yes ?" He laughs and let's go of my face as Vincent grips my arms tightly .

"Yes she is ."Vincent say through gritted teeth and pulls me back to his side . "If you'll excuse us -"

"Not at all !"the man laughs and moves out of our way .

A feeling of relief washes over me as Vincent pushes me forward.

"I see you brought your prostitute Vincent ." A sour voice hisses .

I look up and feel my blood start boiling as my eyes instantly meet the rich whore from the night of Vincent's exhibition. The one who didn't mind calling me scum.

"Darling , this is Amariah Fantomhive. My wife." Vincent sighs from behind me .

His wife ?!

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