Chapter 18

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Where is the costume I bought you?"

Janna walked out of her room ready to get the night over with. However, not even one step out and she was already being confronted by Tom wearing a pirate costume. He pouted, seeing her in a normal hoodie and jeans.

"I'm not wearing that."

He folded his eyepatch up and sulked. After she went to sleep that day, he took the lead in finding a costume for her so that she wouldn't have to burden herself with it. He expected a different reaction though.

"Why not?"

"It's a bunny costume, why would you even think of that."

"Jackie said it was a great idea."

She muttered something under her breath, facepalming herself in the process. "You know what, fine! I'll wear a stupid costume." She stepped back into her room, slamming the door and leaving Tom a bit dumbstruck.

A few minutes later, she opened the door again wearing the same outfit but this time they were all black with an additional black beanie.

Tom furrowed his brows in slight confusion, there definitely was a change. "And you are?"

"A robber."

He blinked, but beamed, going along with the weird choice before she decided to just stay at home.

"You look great," he stated in his usual upbeat attitude.

"And you look dumb." He noticed her getting a better look at his pirate costume before she faked gagged.

"Hey!" He pulled his eye patch to the right placement. "I think I look amazing other than-"

The doorbell rang, catching their attention.  

"Oh, that must be Jackie. Let's go." Tom grabbed his keys before they walked to the door, ready to leave immediately. The sun was just about setting and they (excluding Janna) wanted to make it in time.

He quickly opened the door to a specific blonde...also wearing a pirate costume. Except hers was fitted to her exact size, tight in certain places.

"Hey Jackie, nice costume! Crazy huh?" he said, referring to their matching costumes.

"Woah, that's crazy. Now we'll look more convincing," She glanced over at Janna who had her arms crossed. "Nice costume Ordonia."

She snorted in response, walking past them and out the door "Let's just get this over with."


They reached the party a little bit past 8, the sun now completely set. They peaked out of Tom's car windows to see that it was already jam packed with flocks of people still coming. It was a two-story house, with what looked like to have enough space to fill up a concert hall.

Tom gulped. This was a huge milestone for him  although the thought of it made him want to puke.

My parents are gonna freak-


It had totally flown past his head that his parents weren't around, neither were any of his bodyguards. He could join the party and not have to worry about someone guarding past his shoulder. Yeah they were probably going to hear about it for the next few days but he'd probably just receive a slap on the knee.

He was going to have fun, whether they approved of it or not.   

"Let's party!" Jackie opened the car door followed by the rest of them. They walked toward the entrance, the music gradually getting louder with each step. They could feel the best of the vibration at the bottom of their feet as Jackie opened the front door.

It was very loud.

In an instant, more of the attention was on them. Some went back to what they were doing before while others grew curious and started whispering.

"Um so—"

Jackie grabbed his hand and led him off in one direction, "Come on, I wanna introduce you to my friends."

He turned his head to where they just were, hoping for Janna to join them. Disappointedly, she was nowhere to be seen. He grew worried but figured she would be just fine. After all, she knew more about these things than him. He could look for her later.


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