He was with a whole black suit,

Damn he was hot.

narcissa was with a dark blue dress, she was beautiful.

When I entered the room, Draco looked me from top to toe, and almost gasped.

"Happy birthday dear" Narcissa said giving me a hug, I smiled and sat.

After 5 minutes, I heard apparition sounds and stayed very happy.

The three of us got up, and waited.

The door opened and I didn't saw my parents. I saw Tom Riddle, I made a bad face, and looked at draco, he wasn't with a surprised face, it looked that he already knew that my parents weren't coming.

Narcissa had the same face.

My world stopped, my heart seemed to stop, when I saw him.

Mattheo riddle.

with a whole black suit as always, pretty similar to draco's.

He was incredible, the only thing that I wanted to do was hug him the tightest as possible.

But the last time I saw him, we had a discussion.

After them some death eaters entered too, along with lucius malfoy.

My parents were the last to come.

I looked at them with a disappointed face, how I could stay happy with a death eater reunion at my birthday ?


I looked at her, she was irresistible, that tight black dress made her features look more than beautiful.

she was prettier than last time that I saw her.

How could that be possible ?

I was expecting her to come running and hug me,

but she didn't,

she was with a strange face, like the one that no one said what was happening.


We all went to the dining table, lucius sat at one end of the head of the table, and at the other end, Voldemort.

I sat next to theo and at my right was Draco.

What a mood.

Voldemort said something about that the new defense against the dark arts teacher was Dolores Umbridge, and that she was one of the people that worked at the ministry.

For him that was a good thing,

the ministry of magic wasn't believing in harry that the dark lord had returned.

Which was obvious that he had.

After the reunion the death eaters disapparated, along with voldemort.

It just stayed my parents, and theo.

My mom hugged me, then my dad.

They gave me a present, I opened and it was a collar of butterflies


but I liked it.

"Thank you" I said to them, wanting to go home the fast as possible.

"Y/n we have another assignment of the dark lord, so you will have to pass here the rest of the vacations"

What the literal fuck

I made a bad face, but agreed, they disapparated, and leaved me there.

"Can I talk with you ?" Theo asked

I nodded, and he leaded me to an empty corridor.

"I'm sorry y/n, I shouldn't have stayed angry with you" he said

I was looking to the floor.

He lifted my chin with his thumb, making me look at him.

I kissed him,

it was an eager kiss,

I kissed him with all of the emotions that I was feeling,

my eyes started watering, I don't know why, maybe because of all the emotions mixed.

It was incredible,

I was with my hands on his muscular neck, and he was with his hands on my waist. We were kissing passionately, when Draco came.

We didn't broke our kiss.

I think theo kissed me more roughly,

just to show that I was his.

Draco scoffed and went away.

"Happy birthday" theo said when we finished kissing.

" I see you are with my present" he said looking to the snake collar.

"Yes is beautiful" I said smiling

"Here" he handed a small red package

"thank you" I said looking at his eyes then kissing him readily.

I opened and it was a bracelet.

"is beautiful theo"

" not as much as you" he said

I looked at him and giggled

"I'm making you soft" I said playing

"or maybe I'm letting you think that" he smirked

we laughed.

We went to seat in the couch, We chatted for a long time.

he was standing up

"don't go" I said holding his hand

"you know I need to go" he said looking at my hand then at my eyes.

I stood up and gave a last kiss on him.

He apparated.

Guys this chapter is not soo good but the others are better, please continue reading.
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