I was woken up by a cluster of vibrating noises from the foot of our bed. I flicked the duvet and watched my phone fly to floor and eventually it stopped. I rolled back into Niall's chest and tried to sleep my headache away.

Not even a minute passed and it was going again.

"Babe answer your phone." Niall grumbled and blinked his eyes a couple of times before rubbing them.

I pulled a sheet up with me and walked over to my phone.

'Hello?' I answered the phone.

'WHERE IS NIALL GIVE HIM THE PHONE.' A loud booming voice came out of the phone.

What the hell, I tossed my phone to Niall as he heard the voice.

Niall's eyes went wide, and all I could hear was the voice just almost yelling.

The phone call ended and Niall's face was just appalled.

"What is it Ni?" I asked.

"You know how we were on live?" He asked.

"Well we never turned it off and before my phone died and automatically turned it off you could hear us after we thought it was over." He stopped.

"Niall, what could it hear." My heart dropped.

I know what we did last night and I know damn well it wasn't very quiet.

"Uhm, well according to my manger it was 15 minutes and 37 seconds into us engaging in 'physical' activity." He said quoting what I'm assuming his manger said.

"Oh my god Niall we were loud as fuck last night." I plopped onto my bed and Niall handed me my phone back.

I glanced down and saw so many notifications.

"I'm going on James Cordon's show tomorrow for some damage control I suppose..." Niall looked so upset.

"I'm so sorry I violated our private life like this." He sat up more and grabbed my hand.

"Niall it's not you're fault, we were both drunk and it slipped our minds. I know it won't be ideal to have it floating around but at least it isn't a full on sex tape." I pulled in for a hug, I know he'll think this is all on him and drag himself down.

"Thank you for not hating me.." he stopped, "I suppose we should watch it and see what everyone else already did." He shook his head again and pulled out his computer.

—- Tomorrow —-

"Well hello Mr. Horan, how lovely to have you in tonight!" James exclaimed to Niall.

"Hello James! I wish I was here on other terms tonight." Niall exclaimed back to him.

"Well we may as well get into the nitty gritty of your night last night." James winked. "So we know what happened is that you and (y/n) were celebrating her birthday! Happy birthday by the way!" James waived toward me.

I waived back and Niall was shaking his head.

"Oh yes I suppose you could say we celebrate too much and maybe a little too loud." He let out a stiff laugh.

"Oh we HEARD IT!" James boomed and let out a laugh.

Niall's laugh started to roar, I'm glad he's not so mortified about it any more.

"I suppose we should give it a little listen." James smirked and Niall immediately stopped laughing.

"What?" He rose a brow.

"Just our favorite part here." James said as the screen went to the video showing our couch and an empty tequila bottle in view.

"You could've set up a better view for us, maybe cleaned it up?" James laughed.

"Oof we will save that thought for the next one." Niall laughed.

"But honestly before you play it we just want everyone to know it was a complete and honest mistake, we would never post something like this intentionally onto the internet. We are also very sorry for any issues this could have caused anyone." Niall stated.

"Thank you for the kind words Niall, but now let's get into the nitty gritty." James exclaimed.

The video started and all you could hear was some rustling and and just by the sound of the talking that came we knew what was coming next and I was mortified.

"Awh fuck me harder niall." Rang out of speakers and I wanted to just die.

Hope you all enjoyed this ;)

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Feel free to leave requests !

Xox Lex

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