2. Familia

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Like for the battles of the war,

supporting one another
through thick and thin

is what you need courage for.

And unconditionally, with no pressure

Family does that for you with pleasure.


Whether you put up a front or don't cry

All your lies, they won't buy.
They want to help you and they try

though in your space too they won't pry

Cause they know you for who you are

Your every inch, your every scar.


When the whole world walks past you

They stay with you, they stay with you.

Whether you're here or overseas

To them, you always bring peace.


And no matter the weather,

a family always belongs together.

So they are not afraid to die,

if they can all be together.

°Pieces Of Me° حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن