The only thing that was left in the room was a couch, and that was all. I had left my viking helmet on the couch and picked it up and looked at it. My plane was leaving in an hour and it was a 30 minute drive to the airport. My parents had offered to take me so I took it. Better than paying for cab fare. I stood in place with two suitcases behind me and my backpack on my back with my viking helmet in my hands. I placed the helmet on my head and sighed.

"Steven, you ready to go?" My mom asked, coming down the stairs. 

"I think so. Just let me take one last pic for my fans. They've seen this room before when it had everything in it but I think it will be nice to show them what it looks like clean. Actually, can you take it?" I asked, handing her my phone.

"Of course but after this we got to get going." She said.

"I know. Now stand there and I'll be right here." I said. I stood with my arms open and my suitcases at my side with my helmet on as my mom took the picture. I posted it on Twitter and Instagram and climbed into the back seat of the car. My parents drove me to the airport and parked the car right by the terminal I was going to be in. They came inside with me and went through the luggage check with me. 

"Flight to Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, your plane is ready for boarding. I repeat, the flight to Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, your plane is now ready for boarding." A lady said over the intercom. 

"Well, that's my flight. I guess I really have to say is thanks anyway for dealing with my shit for the past 22 years. I'll be sure to call when I get there and I'm settled." I said.

"Alright Steven, we love you. Take care." My mom said and left. I went to the terminal and handed them my ticket. I put my backpack into the overhang for the time being and got into my seat. I had the window seat so I looked out the window, not even caring to see who sat next to me. I fastened my seatbelt, popped a piece of gum into my mouth and prepared myself for the flight. I always hated planes. Right before I put my phone on airplane mode, I tweeted out saying 'I'm on my flight to CT. Can't wait to see @ChilledChaos in 8 hours! help me!' 

"Excuse me sir, the plane is about to take off, please put your phone on airplane mode. Thank you." A flight attendant said. I did as told and put it back in my pocket. I felt the plane start to move and watched out the window as the ground from beneath us grew smaller in size but larger in land scape. The plane shook and there was quite a bit of turbulance at the beginning but eventually, we evened out and it calmed down. I got my laptop out of my backpack and went to edit some video since it didn't require internet. I made sure to save the footage from the past DerpCraft session for this time plus a few Gmod videos as well from Murder to Prop Hunt. 

The flight landed about 20 minutes early which was good for me. I texted Chilled and he said that he would get here asap which I knew would take probably at least 30 minutes. I sat in the waiting area. It was 10pm at night which wasn't to late but it was still late enough. I had gotten some water from the airport food shop as well as some poptarts. I was on my laptop, munching on the poptarts as well as every now and then looking for a familiar red Mario hat to appear with a thin but tall man under it. I had my viking helmet on so he could easily spot me if necessary. 

"Hey, you're ZeRoyalViking aren't you?" Someone asked from beside me. I looked to see a young girl.

"Yeah. Hello. I'm not very much used to meeting fans not at conventions." I said somewhat groggily. "I'm sorry if I may seem off but an 8 hour flight from California to here isn't something I do every week."

"It's fine. I know how you feel about flying. Could I get a signature and a picture?" She asked.

"Sure." I said, putting my stuff down and getting up to sign a piece of paper in a notebook she had out. "Where are you heading just out of curiousity?"

Savior (RoyalChaos)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin