I wake up after that around 12 at night with Sasuke's twisted face haunting me. I would sit up for hours not knowing what to do. I would then get up and train till I was too tired to finch at Sasuke as he just walked.

So now that I told someone, at least of Orochimaru I felt lighter. Maybe not a feather, but not a brick.

I walked the streets where I was going to meet my brother and Sakura. I was excited because it was one of the few times Sakura and Naruto would be in the same place. I had even gotten my brother to not ask her out while on this hanging out session. Naruto had tried to plan the outing, but my time management skills were horrible. The only reason I wasn't late for anything was because I made sure to get there early. So we let Sakura do it. I knew Sakura had planned our outing, so it was going to be a little girly, but still fun.


When I got to the bridge Naruto was there with sakura. Their tapping toes making vibrations. Sakura's tapping was putting more force with her foot, while narutos was faster. I walked up to my teammates who stiffened when they saw me then started their rant that normally they saved for sensei.

"You're late!" I smile. Oh I should be late more often. I copy the copy-nin and eye smile while holding up to fingers.

"Yo. sorry for being late. I met a white dog on the way and had to stop and talk."

"Yeah, yeah, you are spending too much time with kakashi sensei." Naruto grumbled, I did my combo attack. Uzumaki-eye smiled.

"Come on you! We're going shopping!" Sakura chastised.

"Yes! I need some exploding tags! I've always wanted to try them!"

I could feel them sweet drop at my antics, and we set on our way to the market. As we walked I asked Sakura what she was getting.

"Don't you remember? I promised to help you get a teddy bear for your crush!" I blush, when I remember that deal we made in wave. I start twiddling my thumbs in embarrassment.

"A Lot happened in that time, Sakura." I mumble.

"Yeah, yeah! But now is a great opportunity for you to tell me who it is!" Sakura fangirled.

I cringed. "But I told you, you wouldn't know who he was!"

Sakura just waved her hand like it was nothing but a minor detail. They continued to fight all the way down the street to the shop. Naruto was just strolling along with them to be close to Sakura. He was adding in his two cents whenever he wanted, which was often.

We strolled through the isles in store and looked though what they had. Well Sakura and Naruto were looking, I was trailing after them. Sakura would show me random teddy bears, and Naruto was telling me what they looked like.

Sakura kept picking out pastel, and cute teddys. It was getting really frustrating, and I was getting ready to kill her. My eye was twitching. Sakura was getting on my nerves with her fangirling.

Finally with the help of Sakura, but mostly Naruto by being the voice of reason. Telling Sakura, "no she doesn't want a purple and black bear!" Eventually we found a small bear, that was brown, with cute pink toe beans. I bought it, grabbing some exploding tags. They went down the road. My arms were full of the things I had bought.

As We strolled down the street laughing. "Boss!" Konohamaru yelled.

"What!" Naruto asked the boy.

"Who is this brat?" Sakura inquired.

"Who are you calling brat?" Konohamaru yelled.

"You brat!" I sweat drop at how Sakura was acting. It was the pot calling the kettle black.

"Pathetic flat chested excuse for a ninja!" Konohamaru mustered. I felt Naruto stiffen beside me. I wondered if I could find popcorn to watch the fireworks, but I discarded the idea. I feel like I'm forgetting something. Something that happens when sakura meets konohamaru.

"You brat!"

"Run! Run, konohamaru!" Naruto yelled by my side. It clicked what I had been missing.

"Shit!" I run after my two teammates, and Konohamaru. When I get there, Konohamaru is being held up by his shirt.

"Kankuro, put the kid down!" one girl who was behind him spoke who was Temari. But there was one more who seemed around my age, with a hair bun.

"No this little jurk ran into me! He needs to pay!" Kankuro said gruffly.

"Gaara won't like this.'' I froze, dropping my bag which throughout this mess I still had a hold of.

"Kikyo! Are you ok? Dabetto?" Naruto sounded concerned, but I couldn't focus on anything but the voice I heard.


I'm in Naruto, and I will help my Sibling be Hokage!Where stories live. Discover now