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"Alright, Kira! Ready!"


I was currently in the driver's seat of Scott's bike. Scott's bike is strictly a two-person bike, that is why he is running and I'm driving Kira. He doesn't want Kira to run and I don't want to run so he decided to let us on his bike.

"Hold on, hun."

After my 5 minute tutorial on how to do this type of shit, I was on the road. "Left!" Kira screamed as she gripped onto my waist. Kira has been yelling directions into my fucking ear and it was really annoying but necessary, I had no idea where I was going.

I look to the right to see Scott running, a little faster than us, making me speed up a little. Once we got there, all three of us ran inside the building. We booked it up to the loft, pausing when we saw 4 people.

What happened? 

"They disappeared."

"They literally just vanished." 

"And so did Stiles."

The brunette girl, whom I assume is Allison, finishes the group talk off, " And who is Tatum?"


Stilinski pulls his gun out, pointing it at Argent, "Listen to me, you put the gun down now!" Argent was threatening to shoot Stiles. Stiles monotone voice rings in Argent's ears, "Shoot me." "Put the gun down now!" Stilinski screams at the other man. 

"Dad," Allison called out, but no one paid attention to her. Stiles started screaming at Argent, "Shoot me!" 

"Put the gun down!"


"Argent, you put it down!"

Allison sat back and watched in horror as the three men yelled at each other, then coming clicked inside of her, "Strife." She whispered.

"Put it down! Put it down!"

Allison huffs, raising her voice, "Stop, stop it! This is what he wants. This is exactly what he wants." She puts her hands out, everyone puts their guns down, looking at the younger girl. Stiles chuckled darkly, "Not exactly. I was kind of hoping Tatum would be here, maybe even Scott. But I'm glad you all have your guns out."


"I just don't know why he would want me of all people," I sigh, "I've been told I'm not a very likable person."Scott and Kira as we walk into the McCall house.  "Maybe that's why. People don't like you," I give Kira a look making her face white, "Not that I don't like you! You're cool! LIke really cool! yay!"

I laugh and sit down on Scott's chair. The tension in the room was thick causing me to get up are going to the bathroom so they can make out in peace. Once I walk into the bathroom, I look myself in the mirror. I don't do this often, I don't find myself worthy to be looked at, I guess.

There was only one scratch on my cheek and a tiny bruise on my head for when I was knocked out by Oliver. Once I'm done staring at myself, I make my way to the bedroom.

I push the door open with the surrounding air, walking in only to see my two new friends making out on his bed. I stand there for a second, "Well looks like I'm taking the chair." I say, moving over to the surprisingly comfortable seat.

"Night guys"



"The couch. Put him on the couch."

The two kids, Lydia and Aiden, found Stiles in the middle of a parking lot, unconscious. The three men in the room picked Stiles up, plopping his sleeping body on the couch. Melissa, Scott's mom, was pacing the room, "Guys, this is crazy. He needs to be in the hospital." 

Scott put his hand on her shoulder, "Mom, remember what happened last time he went to the hospital?" 

Deaton, another one of Scott's old friends spoke next, "It doesn't look like he's bleeding. I think he might even be healing."

Aiden's eyebrows scrunched, "You mean healing as we heal? That's good, right?" Deaton thought for a second before responding, "For him, yes. Us? I'm not so sure." I huff, rubbing my hands down my face.

"Well, if we're not going to kill him, why aren't we at least tying him down with really big chains?" Aiden asked Deaton, who apparently knows, like, everything about the supernatural. Deaton shook his head, going through his bag, "I might have something more effective."

Deaton took out a tiny bottle labeled "Kanima Venom" and walked over to the couch.

Shocking everyone, when Deaton put the clear liquid in Stiles' mouth, the possessed boy woke up, flinging his arm up and wrapping his hand around Aiden's neck. Everyone started screaming for him to let go.


my scream caused him to pause long enough for the venom to take place. Deaton looked at me strangely and then put his focus back on Stiles. "Kanima venom. Nice touch." He said, looking over at me. When he saw me standing there, he smirked.

"Finally got what you wanted, huh Tatum. Got out of the nuthouse."

I glared at the boy, not replying to his comment. Aiden let out a growl at him. Stiles tilts his head the best he could with a paralyzed neck, "You know how they say that twins get a feeling when the other one's in pain? You didn't lose that talent, too, did you? Oh, I hope not. You're going to need it."

The room goes into a loud silence,  "Okay, I'll give a little hint. Ethan's at the school." Aiden looked over at Scott, asking for permission which he was granted with, "Go."

Once the boy left the house, Stiles started to chuckle as he looked at the open front door, "Oh, I hope he gets there in time. I like the twins. Short tempers. Homicidal compulsions. They're a lot more fun than you bakemono trying to save the world every day."

Although I didn't know what the fuck that meant, I am pretty sure it was an insult. Melissa stepped forward, "Doc, you brought something to paralyze his body. Did you get anything for his mouth?" She asked, let me tell you, for a mom, she looked pretty badass. Deaton stepped forward as well, "Yes, I do." 

Deaton got ducktape from his bag, placing it across Stiles' mouth, then stepped back again. Stiles looked me right in the eye and screamed. I didn't jump, I didn't hide, I stayed frozen, looking right back at him with an emotionless face.

The Scooby Gang were in the kitchen talking while Melissa cleaned Stiles' wounds.

"How much longer do you think we have?" I ask Deaton, looking up from my hands. He shakes his head, "I wish I knew. But if we don't figure out something soon, we're going to need to find a better place to keep him," He sighs, "I think we're grossly underestimating the danger here. He might be paralyzed, but it still feels like he's got us right in the palm of his hand." 

Scott looked over at his broken best friend, noticing something, "Why is he only looking at Tatum?" We all turn to see Stiles was in fact looking at me. "The fuck?"

Deaton huffs, looking at Stiles, "Alright, this is a theory," Deaton tells us, causing all of the kids to look back at him, "I'm pretty sure you and the real Stiles have a bond." I furrow my brows at this, "I met that damn kid two days ago."

"That doesn't mean you don't have a bond."

"How strong is the bond?"

"Strong enough for Stiles to shine through the Nogitune."

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