034; put your hands up

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to open fire on the count of three." the main cop said. My eyes went wide and I looked at Gabbie who was still frozen in place.

"GABBIE!" I yelled. I would put her hands up for her but I couldn't move my hands from the air giving them a reason to shoot.

"One....., two......." the cop said before I heard the gun go off.

Everything happened in slow motion. I couldn't help but cry out for Gabbie's sake as she finally reacted to the loud noise of the gun.

Jack must have known what was going on even though his hearing was messed up at the moment because he yelled, "NOOO!"

As the bullet fired Jack jumped in front of Gabbie and blocked the bullet from hitting her and instead is sank right into his right shoulder making him yell out in pain.

"JACK!" I yelled as I put my hands down from the air and crouch down to Jack's shoulder bleeding out.

Gabbie looked down at her boyfriend, who was now passed out and cried out for help.

"HEY! Hands in the air, leave him on the ground." the main cop said again reloading the gun and pointing it at us.

"Y-you can't just l-leave him there." Gabbie cried as she slowly put her hands up this time and I stood up and did the same thing.

"You better or the next one won't miss you." the cop said.

This wasn't fair, we didn't do anything. All Gabbie did was not put her fucking hands in the air.

We couldn't do anything, my power were no use. Jack was bleeding out on the pavement, probably going to die if he didn't get any medical attention soon. Gabbie was to emotional to comprehend anything, but at least now her hands were in the air.

I wasn't crying, mainly because I couldn't believe what just happened. I knew they were going to take us but I didn't actually didn't think they would shoot us.

I see something out of the corner of my eye and see Sofia, Corbyn, and Tate standing off to the side and gasping at the sight of our friend.

Corbyn gets more mad then sad and makes eye contact with me. He nods and I nod at him back, not really knowing what it meant but I knew he was going to do something.

Suddenly Corbyn runs at the cop who shot Jack and punches him in the face making him stumble. Sofia runs with her speed and kicks one of the cops in the stomach making him fall over. Tate tries to help by taking on one of the cops.

The three of them start taking the cops down one by one, fueled with anger from seeing Jack. I get out of my shock and grab Gabbie's hand and place my other hand on Jacks body turning us invisible.

While invisible, I watch the three of them take the cops down. There were only three of them left at this point.

Corbyn flies up and almost gets hit with a bullet but he dodges it. Flying straight at the cop, he kicks him in the face hard, knocking him out. He lands on the ground and looks over at me with his green glowing eyes, reading my mind to see if I was still here.

Sofia is using her Super Speed to run around one of the cops and punching him repeatedly. Her punches hurt more because of the Super Speed impact she is having on them. Eventually she finishes him off by punching him in the jaw and falls to the ground.

Tate was just using simple fighting skills to bring the last cop down. She kneed him in the balls and then did a spin kick to knock him over before he had a chance to fight back.

Together they took down each cop and were pretty winded after, but we owe them.

I let go of Jack and Gabbie, turning them visible again along with me.

"Guys what do we do!?" Tate yelled as she bent down to Jack, taking off her jacket and wrapping it around his bleeding shoulder.

"I-it should-d have been me!" Gabbie cries out as she falls on top of me and I pull her into a hug.

"Hey, this is not your fault. Don't you dare blame yourself." I say but she sobs into my shirt making it all wet.

"Where are we right now?" Sofia asks. Is this really the time for these questions.

"Um almost at the border from California to Oregon. Why?" Corbyn asks while he puts his hand on Tate's shoulder.

"I have and idea. Corbyn get Jack." Sofia says and runs over to one of the passed out cops, taking the keys from his holder and unlocking the car.

"What are you going to do?" Corbyn asks as he picked up Jack, carrying him bridal style.

"I know someone at the hospital nearby. They won't reveal that we were there. He can save Jack." Sofia said getting into the front seat and Corbyn placed Jack into the back seat.

"Okay, hurry." Corbyn says shutting the door.

"Tate come with me." Sofia said, making Tate get up off the floor and headed over to the back seat to take care of Jack.

"Wait-t, I wan-t to come!" Gabbie sobs looking up from my shoulder for the first time.

"Gabs, you are way to emotional right now. Jack will be okay we promise." Sofia said before leaving the sight and driving off with Tate and Jack.

"We should get going." Corbyn said quietly helping me off the floor.

"Look." Corbyn said pointing at Gabbie who now was sleeping. She must have been exhausted she passed out.

"You wanna carry her?" I ask and Corbyn nods picking her up and we start heading out of the town.

"Can we trade her off, I used a lot of my powers today and think I might pass out soon." Corbyn asked.

"Yeah sure. We all need sleep right now. Where are Alexa and Christina?" I ask noticing they weren't actually here.

"Sofia said they were camping out in a forest out side of town. We can go meet them." Corbyn explain and we head off towards the forest up ahead not speaking a word to each other.

A/N ~

sorry for the late update, i was out with some friends and forgot about this 😅

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