Weird Day

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    Ezra's P.O.V

after that run in with Justin i got really nervous. we all walked to school talking except for Maul. he hadnt said a word since this morning. i told Sabine to walk up with the others so i could talk with Maul. she nodded and went up them. when she caught up them they all turned and looked at me, i waved them along and the nodded turning around. "hey you alright?" i asked Maul but i already knew the answer. "no i saw something else last night." Maul said. "What?" i asked. "a name came to me." he paused. "Vader." was all he said. "who?" "Vader. that name came to me i dont know what it means but it cant be good." he told me. 'why didnt you tell us?" i asked him. "i didnt know what it meant its more clouded than the dream." Maul said. i understood. "well we just need to keep are guard up more. keep an eye out for shady people." i told him. "yes we should." Maul agreed and with that we caught back up with the others. 

we got to school and everything felt weird. no stares no rude comments no hard hits on the shoulder when kids walked past. "hey maybe you guys should go talk to Yoda about what happened last night." Hera suggested. "why?" Maul and i both asked. "well he is the consular and hes a couple hundred years old so hes gotta know somethings." Zeb said laughing. i thought about it for a second before responding. "its worth a shot." i told them. "i agree." Maul said. with that we went to see Yoda. we got to his office and knocked on the door. "come in." we heard and we entered and sat down. "ah Ezra and Maul do for you what can i?" Yoda asked. "uh well i dont know how to say what happened. Me and Maul both experienced something last night that we cant explain." i told him. "hm explain help i could." he said. "well we both had the same nightmare or vison last night i dont know what you would call it." i said. "we both saw major events in our life and one we both experienced together at Palpatine's. after that we say a shadow that said im coming for you then it leaped at us. but i saw a name Ezra didnt. Vader i dont know who or what it is but its got us really freaked out." Maul explained. Yoda scratched his chin as he thought for a minute. "heard of this i have not but caution you both i do. worried for you i am ignore this you should not. be cautious of things take in your surroundings. as for Vader uncover this i will. see you two after school i will." Yoda said. "thank you sir we appreciate the help." Maul said. "welcome you are now to class you must go." Yoda told us. we both nodded thanked him and left to class. as we were walking i noticed Justin walking up to us. "hey guys." he said. "what do you want?" i asked crossing my arms. "nothing just wondering if you two are ok." he said. "why you constancy pick on us why do you even care?" Maul asked. "well when i saw you two this morning you seemed off normally your talking and laughing with your friends. and also i wanted to apologize to you guys." he told us. Maul and i looked at each other shocked at first but remembered what Yoda told us and put a pin in this situation. "well Justin if you want we can talk at lunch?" I asked. "sure ill see you guys then." he said and left. Maul and i just went to class. 

"ahh i see you two can finally attend class." Mr. Windu said as we walked in. "sorry sir we had to talk with Yoda." i told him. "alright but just dont be late again." he told us. "yes sir." we both said and went to our seats. "howd it go?" Sabine whispered to me. "good we have to see him after school." i told her. she nodded and when back to taking notes. 

classes were normal before lunch. i didnt notice anything different other than how the other students were acting around us. we all got our lunch and went to our table to eat. we all sat down and started to talk about random things until Justin came up to us. "hey got room for one more?" he asked. "yeah right here." i said gesturing to the seat between me and Maul. he sat down and everyone looked at us confused. " so uh i know you guys probably dont wanna talk to or even see me but i came here to apologize to you all for how i treated you the past couple of years." Justin said. "why you never cared before?" Zeb asked. " my father and i had a long talk and i came to the realization of some things. how ive been and ass to you all is one of them and i wanted to make things right." Justin told them. they all looked at me and Maul and we nodded at them. "so about this morning are you guys ok?" Justin asked me and Maul. "to be honest we have no idea we just gotta see how things play out." Maul told him taking a bite of his burger. "anything i can help with?" Justin asked. "maybe. do you know someone or something called Vader?" i asked him. he thought for a second before answering. "yeah he went here a year before you guys got here. he goes to Empire high now because he didnt fit here." Justin told us. "do you think thats what he meant?" i asked Maul. "its a possibility. but i wouldnt jump to conclusions Ezra." Maul told me. "babe dont worry we'll get to the bottom of this." Sabine said taking my hand. "i hope so, i dont want anything i happen to you guys." i told her. she nodded laying her head on my shoulder. for the rest of lunch we all just talked mostly to Justin and i gotta say he sounded genuine. but Yoda's words echoed in the back of my head. "be cautious of things take in your surrounding." i repeated to myself quietly. i sighed and rubbed my head. "what does it all mean." i thought to myself. 

this was going to be a very long chapter but i decided to break it up. part 2 might be out later today. anyways thanks for reading see yall next time. ~ Ryder

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