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     No ones P.O.V

after Ezra's friends walked him back home he felt some kind of warmth leave him with them. he sighed and snuck back into his home. as he climbed through the window he was careful not to step on any of the broken glass around the floor. he made his way to his room and finally got there and opened the door. " the room of pain. " he thought to himself. he quickly gathered his blanket a pillow some food and water, and made his way to the roof. as he climbed the fire escape he finally made it to the top and made hi s way the the makeshift tent he built himself a few years ago. as he finally got settled in he noticed it was dark out so he decided it was best to get some sleep.

a few blocks away Hera Kanan Sabine Chopper and Zeb were all sitting at the table eating trying to get Ezra out of the bad situation he was in. " why dont we all just take him to one of the private rooms used for counseling and bring the principle and guidance counselor in so he can show them what hes been dealing with. " Zeb said. they all thought about it and so far it was there best bet. they all agreed they would try it tomorrow and just hoped Ezra wouldnt be mad at them for what they were about to do.

     Next day everyone is at school

after math class everyone had free period. the group of friends finally convinced Ezra to tell someone about whats been going on. " i want to believe me but i dont know what will happen to me if i do. " Ezra told them clearly scared about what would happen to him. " Ezra you dont have to worry about that. you will be with a good family who will love you and treat you like you deserve to be treated. " Hera told the shaking boy. " ok. " was all he said. they all went into the private room as Sabine and Chopper went to go get the principal and counselor. " excuse me Mr. Skywalker can i have a word. " Sabine asked. " of course Sabine come in. " Anakin replied. " tell me whats going on." he continued. " do you know Ezra Bridger? " she asked. " yes i do good student from what ive seen. why whats wrong? " he asked. " well me and my friends met him a couple days ago and found out some things that he needs to tell you and Mr. Yoda. " Sabine explained. " sure i would be happy to help. " Anakin told her a little worried. as the 2 left Anakin's office they found  Chopper and Mr. Yoda walking the same direction. " hey Chopper take it went well? " i asked. he nodded " Chopper? " Anakin asked. " yeah we call him that because he never stops talking. " Sabine told them with a laugh. Chop just rolled his eyes as he and Sabine led the 2 adults the Ezra and there friends. 

     In the room

" ok Ezra your friends have told me what they suspect has been going on with you and i need to know if this is true. " Yoda told him. " uh yes sir can you give me minute? " Ezra asked still scared and embarrassed. they nodded and he went to the bathroom. a little it later he came back out in just his underwear and the 2 teachers gasped in shock at what they say. " Ezra whos been doing this to you? Yoda asked. " Palpatine. " Ezra replied. " is he your dad? " Anakin asked him. " no hes my guardian ive been with him for 8 years and its been not stop pain everyday ive been there. " he told them before he went to get his clothes on. Anakin and Yoda looked at each other and nodded. Anakin left to call the police and Yoda waited there for Ezra to come back out. as Ezra came back out he had tears in his eyes and sat donw in the corner. Sabine was the first to walk over to him. she sat next him and put her arm around him and hugged him. he hugged her back the best he could and put his head on her shoulder as he continued to cry. 

about 20 minutes later the police showed up along with Ezra's social worker. Ezra's friends told them everything from when they first saw his face and the day before when he got kicked off and they all skipped school to help him out the best they could. as the police get statements from everyone they finally talked to Ezra and he told them everything that had happen to him sine he got to Palpatines. after they got everything the needed the officers called Palpatine in for him to be arrested and they cops left. the group of friends were told to go to lunch as Ezra, Anakin, Yoda and Ezra's social worker talked on what to do next.    

     Sabine's P.O.V

i was glad Ezra told everyone what happened but was nervous about what was going to happen to him. as i ate with my friends i noticed Ezra walking over to us. " Hey guys. " he said sounding upset. " Hey. " we all replied. " so uhh im going to me put in a orphanage in the next town over. " he told us. " wait why the next town over why not here? " i asked him confused. " there arent any orphanages in this town or anyone 17 or old that wants to adopt me. " he told us sadly. i saw Hera and Kanan look at each other and leave. i wonder what there up to.

     End of school no ones P.O.V 

 Sabine, Chopper, Ezra and Zeb all sat outside the school waiting on Hera and Kanan who said they needed to talk to someone. they all just sat there in silence. Sabine was holding Ezra' hand she could see how nervous her friend was and she was to. the doors opened and they saw there friends walk out with Ezra's social worker. " Ezra do you want to stay here at rebel high and with your friends. " Misty asked him. " of course i do. " he told her. " but how no one will take me in. " he  continued until Hera and Kanan stepped up. " we are going too Ezra. " Hera told him. Ezra just sat there in shock and his friends just smiled at him. " tha. . . thank you you have no idea how much this means to me guys. " Ezra told them both hugging them. " your welcome Ezra. and you dont have to call us mom or dad were still your friends. " Kanan told the boy. Ezra just looked up and smiled at them. 

after a long talk with Ezra's social worker they all started to head to Ezra's home. as they arrive Ezra was about to jump on the fire escape before someone grabbed him. he turned as Sabine said. " you try to do that again your gonna bust your stitches. " he nodded and stepped back. Sabine ran up the wall and grabbed the ladder rung. as she got to the top of the ladder she hit the lock on it and the ladder fell. one by one they all climbed the ladder up to the 3rd floor where Ezra lived. he tried to open the window but it was locked. " damnit he locked the fucking window. " Ezra said pissed. they all looked at him as they never heard him angry. " 1 sec. " he told them as he ripped a sleep off his shirt. he wrapped the sleeve around his right hand and punched the window cracking it. he punched it a second time and it shattered. " c'mon but watch your step. " he told his shocked friends. they all climbed in and were horrified to see what Ezra lived in. glass and blood all over the place. " you. . . you lived her. " Hera asked and he nodded breaking there hearts even more.  Ezra walked to his room and open his bag up putting the few pieces of clothing he had in it. " ok thats all i got in here. gotta go to the roof. " he said as he walked passed them. they followed without saying a word and began the climb. they got up to the roof and saw Ezra's tent. they watched him dig through to a little box. he opened it and pulled out a picture of him his mother and father. " thats everything. " he told them. they nodded and began the climb down to head home.

as they got home Hera showed Ezra his room. 4 blue walls a nice bed a dresser and a desk. " thank you Hera for everything. " her hold her. " you dont have to thank me sweetie we all wanted to do this for you. welcome to the family Ezra. " Hera told him as she hugged him. " now get settled in and go take a shower ok supper will be ready when you get done. " she told him. " ok. " Ezra said. he put his stuff away and got in the shower. he finally felt clean. he stepped out and dried off. he left to his room and got dressed. as he went downstairs the smell of chicken filled the air. " WOH you got blue hair. " Zeb said shocked. Ezra laughed and nodded as he sat down with the others and everyone began to eat. 

after supper everyone sat down in the living room to watch Transformers. " these robots are badass. " Ezra said. everyone laughed at the comment and agreed. after the movie everyone went to there rooms to get some sleep as they had school tomorrow. before Ezra could walk into his room Sabine stopped him. " Ezra if you need anything my room is next door ok. " she told him " alright thank you and goodnight Sabine. " he told her. " night Ezra. " Sabine said as they both went to there rooms.   i have the best friends in the world Ezra thought to himself as he laid down before sleep consumed him. 

hey guys hope you like it. longest chapter so far 1800 words who hoo. anyways see yall next time. ~Ryder 

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