Old Friend??

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     Ezra's P.O.V

"guys come here i think somethings wrong with Ezra." i heard Sabine say. just as they got close enough to me i felt him. i quickly shot my eyes open and threw Sabine to the crew and luckily Zeb caught her. i quickly pivoted on my right foot and brought my left foot in the air and i felt it connect with a jaw. he flew back into some bins with a loud crash and he stood up. "gonna take allot more than that to sneak up on me old friend." i told him. " i see you havent lost your touch Ezra. " the figure said. he emerged from the shadows and i saw a face i thought i would never see again. " never have and never will Maul." i told him with a smile. he walked towards me. red skin with black tattoos. horn protruding out of his head. we both walked towards each other and embraced in a hug. " how you been?" i asked him. "good except for being on my own." he told me as we broke. "um Ez, whos this?" Sabine asked me walking towards us with the crew. "oh this is Maul he was with Palpatine when i got there. he left a few years later." i told them. " nice to meet you all." Maul said. " likewise." Kanan said. " Maul this is Kanan, Hera, Zeb, Chopper, and Sabine." i said introducing the crew. "um Ez what does he look like that?" Sabine asked. "well lets just say Palpatine was one to experiment. thats why i look like this and why Ezra has blue hair." Maul explained. " that must have been painful. " Zeb said. " you have no idea. " Maul said. " anyways do you guys know where rebel high is im kinda lost?" Maul asked us. "yeah thats where we go follow us. " i said. and with that we left with another friend.  

as we were walking Zeb decided to start a conversation. "so Maul how did you manage to get away from that scum you and Ezra were with?" he asked. "well after i saw what he did to me i couldnt take anymore, so in the middle of the night i snuck out. i tried to get Ezra but i couldnt get in his room and i couldnt wait any longer so i packed what i could carry and snuck out the window. it hurt knowing i couldnt get Ezra out but if i stayed any longer i wouldve killed him." Maul explained. "your lucky you didnt come back i dont wanna even think about what he wouldve done to you if you did." I told him. "Ezra i know you probably wont but im asking for you to forgive me. i know what you probably went through because i left but know i couldnt stay." Maul said. "i forgive you. i understand why you left and i was getting ready to do the same thing but my friends here got me out. if it wasnt for them i dont know where i would be at right now""." i told him. "thank you Ezra but if i couldve got you out when i did trust me when i tell you i would have." He told me. "i trust you, your like the brother i never had and im glad your back i missed you." i told him. "i missed you to Ez." he said. "so why did Palpatine do all of that to you Maul?" Zeb asked. "im not sure. experiment maybe? it was most likely for sick pleasure and humor. but it has worked in my favor a little." Maul told Zeb. "how?" Zeb asked. "no one messes with me there scared to but it is kind of a lonely life." Maul said looking down. "if you want Maul you can stay with us for a little while if you need it." Kanan told him. "i appreciate the offer Kanan. if it wouldnt be any trouble to you." Maul said. "its no trouble the more the merrier as they say. maybe you can beat Zeb too." Hera said with a grin. Maul laughed. "sounds like fun." "grr thats not happening no one can beat me." Zeb said raising his fists up in the air. "no one except for my Ezzy." Sabine said making us all laugh. "wait your Ezzy?? boy you got allot of explaining to do." Maul said with a smirk on his face. "so do you. lets start with where the hell youve been all these years." i told him. "haha your still the same boy i remember." Maul said. with that i began to fill him in on everything thats transpired the past 3 years since hes been gone. 

     Sabine's P.O.V 

Ezra and Maul seemed to be getting along. im glad that they have each other. a familiar face for them and one they can trust with anything. Maul seems like a nice person. he reminds me of Ezra allot. hes strong, funny, and cares deeply about the ones around him. i think this year just got even better. "well as much as i would like to explain my life i think where hear." Maul told us. "im gonna help Maul with his classes ill catch up with you guys later." Ezra told us. the crew all told Maul it was nice meeting him and left. "ill see you later Ez." i told him before giving him a quick kiss. "nice meeting you Maul." i told him before walking away. "likewise lady Wren." he yelled at me. i just shock my head laughing as i went to class. 

     Ezra's P.O.V

"you got yourself a good one bro." Maul told me. "thanks, shes everything to me one of the few that understands what we went through. without here id be lost." i told him. he nodded at me. "anyways lets find your classes." i told him. "lead the way." Maul said bowing and extending his arm. i smacked him laughing as we went on our way.

     time skip ~ 

Maul and i both walked into class and saw two empty seats next to Chopper and Sabine which we took. Maul had the same classes as us which excited me. we all stopped talking as Mr. Windu walked in. "class before we start with todays lesson we have a new student in here. would you please stand and introduce yourself please." Mr. Windu said. "yes sir. uh my name is Maul im 19 years old." Maul said. Mr. Windu nodded at him and Maul sat down again. i could hear all the whispers around us and i knew they were about him. i was about to say something before i felt a hand on my shoulder. i turn and saw Maul shaking his head and i just nodded at him before turning around again as Mr. Windu continued with the lesson. "ok class if you remember we were discussing the old Republic wars. can anyone tell me the main figures when the war broke out?" he asked sever students raised there hands. i just sat back in my chair taking noted. today is going to be different i thought to myself. good thing Maul's back. 

howd you guys like it. i kept Maul like this because i dont think anyone could imagine him looking any different but i loved the chemistry between him and Ezra in rebels and decided to make him a good guy in my story. but that doesnt mean things will change. anyway thanks for reading see yall next time. ~ Ryder

rebel high - Modern AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora