Complicated Weekend

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     3rd person P.O.V

after the crew left Sabine and Ezra in the room they all had smiles on there faces but had a small bit of concern in the back of there minds. Ezra was real quick to anger at school today and that worried them. while they understood why Ezra did what he did they all still worried about him a little. "do you think we should try to talk to him again?" Zeb asked. "if we do let it be another time." Hera told him. Zeb nodded as they all sat down to watch a movie. they heard laughing and jokes coming from Ezra's room that made them all smile, happy knowing that the 2 young ones found someone they both connect with and care about. "i think Ezra will be ok as long as Sabine's with him." Kanan told them they all agreed and said the same thing about Sabine. "they hardly leave each other and they bring out the best in one another. i dont think we have to worry about one because the other will be there to pick them up before we get the chance." Chopper told them. they all just looked at him. "what i can be smart." he told them causing them all to laugh. 

after the movie was over they went to check on Ezra and Sabine. they walked in Ezra's room and saw the 2 sound asleep. they then looked to the wall at amazement of what they both created. "Were not gonna get a good grade if we have to compete with that." Kanan told them. "and there not finished yet wait till it gets done." Zeb finished. they all looked at each other a little worried. "well at least we know school wont be a worry for them." Hera told them. they all left the room and went to bed waiting for the weekend.

it was Saturday morning and all the crew decided to go the movies. they decided to go wat IT Chapter 2. Kanan and Chopper were a little chicken they all convinced them to man up and go. after the movie they all decide to go the beach and go swimming. as they all arrived they changed but Ezra didnt. "Ezra you coming." Sabine asked. "ugh i dont know if thats a good idea Sabs." Ezra told her a little worried. "do you not want people to see it?" she asked him. "no i just dont want to scare people or give them the wrong impression of me." Ezra told her. "hey if anything happens remember ill be right by you side ok." she reassured him. "ok ill try." he said with a smile. 

as the young couple made there way to there friends on the beach Ezra was getting looks from everyone. he looked a little nervous and Sabine grabbed his hand and smiled at him. then a young boy about 11-12 years old walked up to Ezra with his parents not far behind and asked. "hey mister what do you have all those marks on you?" the boys parents looked at him and said. "were sorry for our son he has a very curious mind." they told him trying not to upset Ezra. "no its ok i understand. little boy whats your name?" Ezra asked him. "Joey." the boy told him. "well Joey i have these because the person that i used to live with was very mean to me for many years. until some very good friends got me out." Ezra told the boy hoping you would understand. "im sorry that happened to you mister." Joey told him. "thank you Joey but remember never treat people badly because thats wrong and think about how you would feel if someone did that you." he told Joey. "i will mister and thanks for telling me that ill remember it forever." Joey said. "your welcome Joey. you have a good day now." Ezra said smiling. "i will mister you to. bye." Joey said leaving with his parents. Ezra smiled know how curious kids can be. Sabine smiled at him proud that he wasnt hiding what had happened and helping a young kid understand something as complicated as what happened to him. "im proud of you Ez i figured that it would bother you after what happened but i gotta say you surprised me today." Sabine told him. "thanks Sabs i dont know if i could be out here and this brave without you by my side." Ezra said as he kissed her. "HEY LOVE BIRDS GET OVER HERE IN THE WATER!!" they Zeb shout. they both smiled at Zeb before running to the water jumping in.

after hours at the beach they all decided to head home. as they were walking some kids about there age walked up to them. "well well well lookie here boys the beaten orphan." said a voice. they all turned around and saw Justin and a few of his friends. "what do you want Justin?" Ezra asked. "you Bridger you got me suspended from school for 2 weeks now im gonna get you back." Just shot at him. "you got yourself suspended Just Ezra stood up for himself he did the right thing." Zeb told Justin. "Justin just leave me alone you started this but ill be more than happy to finish it and when i do your gonna look worse than i do." Ezra told him walking up so they were inches away from each others face. "cmon boys. ill get you someday Bridger." Justin yelled at him. "ILL BE WAITING FOR YOU." Ezra shot back at him before turning around to his friends and kept walking. they were all worried about Ezra but they backed him up. Justin has tormented all of them one way or another. "Ezra if that prick messes with you we got your back right Chop." Zeb said. "Damn right that pricks about to get whats coming anyway." Chopper said. "thanks guys." Ezra told them. "no prob brother." Zeb said before giving him a noogie. " hey hey hey watch the hair man." Ezra said trying to get out of Zeb's grasp. they all laughed and continued to head home.

once they got there Sabine and Ezra went up to Ezra's room to work on there project while the others played UNO in Zeb's room. as Ezra was staring at their work seeing what needed to be touched up before they started adding color. Sabine walked up behind him wrapping her arms around him resting her head on his shoulder. "whatcha thinkin about." Sabine asked him. "nothing seeing if anything needs to be touched up." he told her not turning around. she looked at it with him. after 20 minutes of fixing little things they both decided it was time to make there masterpiece come to life. 

     a couple of hours later

Sabine and Ezra colored a little bit of there project before going to bed waiting to finish there project together. another day of fun. another afternoon of work. another peaceful night together with nothing to bother them. another night with there love in there arms.

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