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Sabine's P.O.V

A week has passed since the race at school, a week since Justin started acting weird, a week since the "dream" effected the two boys and it hadnt been easy. Ezra and Maul were both disturbed to say the least. they have been spending allot more time alone in Maul's room talking and meditating which i think was helping them. But they didnt really tell the rest of us whats been going on. they've been talking with Mr. Yoda allot more too and he's been helping them with it. But none of us could deny the odd sensation that hits us throughout the day.

it was about 6 A.M on Saturday and i had decided to go on a run as I was the only one awake. Ezra had spent the night in Maul's room again so I imagined he was still asleep, those two have been staying up late the past few nights. not going to lie i felt kinda left out but i knew this was more important for them two to figure out so they could have some peace in mind. As i was on my run i came around the final corner so i had about half a mile to go when i was hit with a wave of cold. I stopped running and looked around me. Few cars and a couple of people but nothing out of the ordinary. A old man who walked every morning stopped next to me.

"Are you alright young lady?" he asked me. "Yes sir i just felt a. . a cold i guess you'd say." I told him. "i have been feeling that too but it is getting late in the year and the weather is changing. I wouldnt think to much about it." he told me. "yeah i guess your right." I said. "well i must be on my way my grandchildren are waiting for breakfast has a nice day." he said with a smile. "you too sir." I told him. "Call me Saw. Saw Gurrera." he said. "Its nice too meet you Saw, Im Sabine." i told him before starting home waving at him. I got home unlocked the door and went inside. I shut the door and saw Hera Chop and Kanan. "Hey Sabine how was your run?" Hera asked. "it was good." I told her going to get some juice from the fridge. I went to the table with Chop and Kanan making conversation before Zeb came down. "Good morning my friends." he greeted us getting a cup of coffee before sitting down next too Chop. After a while Kanan went to the T.V and turned on the news with Hera while Zeb Chop and I stayed at the table.

"I wonder if those two are ok up there." Zeb said. "They seemed pretty spooked about all this im sure there just being careful." Chop said to which I nodded. "Hey guys you might wanna see this." Kanan called us. we all went to the living room and Kanan pointed at the T.V as Hera went up stairs. we looked and what i saw horrified me. Palpatine escaped from jail. i was horrified and Hera came running down the stairs. "Have they said anything about it yet?" she asked and I nodded no. We heard quick heavy footsteps and look toward the stairs and saw Ezra coming down with Maul right behind him. the two boys came to the T.V with ghostly pain faces of fear watching the T.V hoping Hera was wrong but she wasnt. "In the main story today an inmate at the state prison has broken out today 38 year old Sheev Palpatine broke out of prison last night around 2 in the morning along with 5 other inmates. Palpatine was serving at least 20 years in prison for child endangerment and a few other charges and is considered dangerous. along with that the other inmates consist of a man known by the name of Vader 43. Hego Damask 48. Galen Marek 23. Gideon 55. and Wilhuff Tarkin 52. All men except for Galen served in special forces and are considered armed and extremely dangerous if you have any information about these men please contact the authorities." the news reporter said. i turned and looked at Maul and Ezra and thought they saw a ghost. they looked at each other before Maul went and called the police and Ezra sat down starting breath really fast. 

I sat down with Ezra and put my hand on his shoulder. Zeb and Chopper went to the door and windows trying watch for any of the men Hera sat down with me and Ezra while Kanan went over to Maul. "I . . I cant believe it I thought I was rid of him but now he will be coming for me." Ezra said in a panic. Hera and i tried to calm him the best we could be he was really shaken by this. About 5 minutes later 4 police officers came to our house where Maul and Ezra told them everything. After getting every bit of information from us the could the officers left and told to to be very careful. We would have and unmarked car watch us at all times making sure we were all safe. 

It's been an hour since we saw the report and the air has been tense Maul has been talking with Kanan Hera and Zeb giving them as much detail as he could about his and Ezra's past as he remembered more than Ezra. Chopper has been going around the house watching everything he could and Ezra. He's been in our room laying down trying to sleep. I was in the bathroom finishing my shower before going into my room to check on Ezra. I walked into our room wearing one of his shirts and walked to the bed. I crawled into bed with him and layed next to him. "How are you holding up?" i asked him. He rolled over and looked at me before exhaling loudly. " Pretty scared Sabs, I dont know what to do if I leave in sure to keep him away but I dont want to do that but if I stay im sure put you all in danger." he said with tears in his eyes. "Oh Ez you dont have to leave we all care about you and would do anything to keep you and Maul safe were a family and would do anything for one another. And I love you Ezzy you cant get away from me that easy." I told him poking his nose lightly. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. "I would do anything for you guys too I dont want any of you to go through what I have. I love you too Sabs and thanks." He said. I smiled at him before snuggling up close to him before we both fell back asleep. 

So im back guys I know its been a while but ive been trying to figure out a way for this story to go and i have a pretty good idea of the ending but now i gotta fill everything between now and the end. dont worry it will get there but it will be a while. i know this chapter is a little weird but thats how i wanted it. what do you think will happen comment and let me know would love to hear your theories. Anyways thanks for reading see ya'll next time. ~ Ryder.   

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