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        Ezra's P.O.V

After math the rest of the day was a blur the only thing I remember is art class. The teacher Mr. Thrawn had such a passion for art that I felt like he was one of the few I could trust. Dont ask why. I love how passionitte he is about the creatine you can make with your head and hands. he assigned us a project to do in groups of 2. Hera and Kanan we a group, no surprise. Zeb and chopper were together, weird name. a couple of other kids. then he called my name and. . . . . . Sabine's. Oh no. I know I just met her but I like her. she came up and tried to talk to me which alone surprised me. The only other person that really talked to me besides her was my master.            


God I hated him. he treats me like a slave and makes me do everything for him. I know I need to learn responsibilities at my age but hes been this way to me since I was 7. Since my parents passed away. Im 15 Ive been stuck with him for 8 years and he hasnt changed ine bit. i barely sleep or eat and when i do the punishment is almost more than i can take. he put a lock on my door which i kinda liked because when im alone i can be myself work on my art sleep a little sneak out to get food and cry. i cry myself to sleep every night and every time i look and my naked frame in a mirror. ive never seen anyone with as many cuts bruises burns lash marks as i do. but what really gets me is the scars. they look at me and laugh a constant reminder of how worthless i am. everyone a painful memory a reminder that i should fear master. a reminder of how my life is when im not home. 

      I was taking my time walking home when i heard sabine call my name. " EZRA. " " oh hey Sabine how was your day. " i say not taking my eyes off the ground. " " it was good how about yours. " " ok i guees. " i noticed her friends walking up to us. " hey Sabine. " they all said " hey guys what are you doing. " " looking for you. " Chopper said. " well you found me. " Sabine said smartly. they laugh. " i better get home now. " i say " hey were leaving to care if we walk with you. " Sabine asked i noticed a little but of concern in her voice but brushed it off " sure what the hell. " i say and start to head home.

      we all walked down the street in silence when Sabine grabbed me. i almost fell in street and i wish i did. when she yanked me back my hood fell off my head and all five of them gasped and stepped back in horror. i didnt understand why until relalization set in. i quickly put my hood back on and continued to walk until i felt someone grab me and yank me into a gas station. i saw it was Zeb and he almost dragged me to the bathroom. once we got in all of us were in there. and Hera finally spoke. " Ezra. . . . what happened to your face. " i sighed and knew i wasnt getting out of this. " it. . . its not just my face. " i said not looking at any of them. "what do you mean. " Kanan asked. i sighed again and began to take my clothes off until i was just in my underwear i walked back out of the stall and i thought they we all going to faint. Sabine just stared at me with tears in her eyes. i dont blame her though who wouldnt. if you saw me like they are seeing me now you would be too. all over my arms legs back chest everywhere you look on my body. burns whips bruises cuts cover in blood some old some i just got this morning. but i knew what got them. the scars. all over me i dont think theres a place i dont have one. but the one they all focused one was the one that ran from my forehead now my face neck and right arm. it was big and deep. i think it took almost 6 weeks before it started to heal into the scar it is now. i remember it so fondly the pain the agony the anger. i remember everything even the blade as master slowly dragged it down me. all because i got home at 9 at night. i just stood there with tears in my eyes. and then something happened i never thought would. Sabine hugged me. ive never been shown any ounce of love in to long i almost threw her off me but i didnt. i hugged her back and cried until i collapsed one the ground in the corner. Sabine right next to me all of them hugged me and told me they would get me out of this mess. i thanked them but i had little hope it would happen.

      i got redressed we left and they walked me home. i thanked them and hugged them all and Sabine kissed my check and slipped there address into my pocket and told me to come as soon as something happened. i thanked her again and began my attempt to jump the the fire escape ladder but almost couldnt reach it. they tried to help but i said no. i threw my pack onto the 1st level ran up the wall and jumped off to the ladder barely catching the bottom rung. i slowly pulled myself up and went inside. but looked back at Sabine and smiled at her she smiled back and with that i went back to hell. 

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